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After heavy rainfall. July 2003

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Still raining I think when pic was taken - you can just see the streaks of rain - like 'stair-rods' as my mum used to say!!

29 Jun, 2012


I preffer this photo to the last one lol even though we've had more than enough of it this summer ...

29 Jun, 2012


Your garden looks quite big in this picture. Its lovely inspite of the rain.

30 Jun, 2012


It is kindof in two halves! The lawn bit with the flowers, shrubs, pond etc, then up a small step to the green house, shed etc, with a tiny bit of veg garden & a couple of fruit trees there aswell.
We used to have an allotment which was just outside our back gate (very convenient!) but a couple of years ago we gave it up because we were finding it was just too much to cope with!! Poor old souls!!! ;)

30 Jun, 2012

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