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Sagittaria latifolia...Water Plantain...Wapato

Sagittaria latifolia...Water Plantain...Wapato

found a small amount of this last's settling in and spreading...great!!

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lovely leaf shape, and it flowers too i believe, just looked it up, as never heard of it - i wonder how rapid that will spread. it gets tall too, should be lovely in your stream.
btw, 'no draught tolerance' it said in one of the discriptions, myabe not your greatest worry

9 Jul, 2012


LMAO..."no drought tolerance"???? lol.........that is funny.
I have pictures of it last year when the clump was much smaller and it had flowers..pretty white ones with a yellow centre..I'm glad it's here. Now I'm hoping to find some pickerel weed...and snag some roots of the white water lilies from the pond up the road! Have to get busy digging though...all these plants like deeper water than my present pond can offer!

9 Jul, 2012


LMAO, now i never heard of that one, but looked it up, great one that !!!
my white waterlily gets moved deeper into the pond every day, by me :~)), i'll have to wade in soon.
dont those leaves grow like mad, cannt wait for some flowers to appear.
you can see i am a newbie to pond planting, only had a dinky one in the uk ever, which even one of those mini waterlilies was too big for, left over fr the previous owners.
do water hyacinths have a bad press?? or only in open water, as i got a few

9 Jul, 2012


Water hyacinths are not a problem here, as they are tropical and only last one season. Don't know of anyone who has been able to over-winter them...they need sunlight year round...unlike some nymphaea which will survive when submerged or stored in a dark cellar. I know they are excellent for improving water quality...but will spread out of control in some deeper water ponds, or rivers, in warmer climes.
(Wonder if they could be overwintered in an aq.?) Will they withstand your winter? you may not have a problem with them for that reason. I am in love with their flowers...gorgeous things.
I'm frustrated at my lack of progress on a proper pond. I'm a bit of a little red hen...can't get some proper equipment to help...then I have to do it ...over years...with my trusty spade. If I could just get a digging brigade working on it ..for one day...I'd have it to the point where I could pick at it and have it done in two seasons....oh well. "If wishes were horses.."

10 Jul, 2012


i will have to do a search on water hyacinths, i went with a list of preferred plants for a wildlife pond to the GC, but they dont 'do' wildlife ponds much, so came away with plants i didnt know anything about. they might just overwinter, but i only have 2 babies, and dont know if they will take at all, no sign yet.
i would lend you B, he loves big projects with spades ;~)) he dug our whole pond out with one! even the big one as it was before he made it smaller - with his spade!!-
just say the long as you can offer him some good birding he'll be, mind he still has lots of projects going on here, so i''ll put you on the list

10 Jul, 2012


ah ...I think the indigo buntings are still around...We have hawks and eagles, mallards and mergansers, great blue herons and cranes, mud hens, turkey vultures, turkeys, partridge and grouse, Giant Canada geese, yellow warblers, 3 or 4 different kinds of sparrows, chickadees, robins (north american passerines, troglodytes, i think), kingbirds, blue jays, goldfinches, pileated woodpeckers, hairy and downy woodpeckers, nuthatches, whippoorwills, loons and doves... ummmm....
Well anyway, I'm thrilled you want to help...I have accepted the challenge and I must do the work...thanks for pencilling me in..I'm sure B. was thrilled to be put forward for the job! lol...quite a commute tho...
the movement to "wild" and "natural" has just hit over here. People think it's being "green"..or ecologically responsible. The gov't controls the pesticides they can use so there are now more robins than in the last 30 years...There is food for them now which is not poisoned with DDT, or 2-4D. Will you be adding fish to your pond? they are lovely to watch.

10 Jul, 2012


he doesnt know yet!!!
are those your garden birds Lori? very impressed, quite a few on your list we have flying and nesting in the neighbourhood but never in the garden.
when we moved to our present house, one of the local farmers had a crop of green manure, very modern thinking i thought, next thing i noticed his field was totally brown, he had spray/poisoned and then ploughed in, but here too less poison is being used now, even the verges this year dont have that ominous dead brown look, more has been cut instead.

10 Jul, 2012


No doubt he thought he was being very modern and progressive getting rid of all those weeds without lifting a he still alive? Farmers who use that stuff are so surprised when they, or worse still, their family members, come up with cancers and autoimmune diseases! Why don't they understand that they will never completely subjugate nature?
We have provincial laws now that controls the use, and bans in some cases defoliants and herbicides as well as many scarey insecticides and fungicides in the public domain. People can still buy them for private use tho...useless,toothless legislation if you ask me.

11 Jul, 2012

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