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Acca sellowiana - 2012


By Andrewr

Acca sellowiana - 2012 (Acca sellowiana)

This shrub has gone beserk this year - lots of growth and dozens of flower buds

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Wow ! :o)

13 Jul, 2012


Absolutely beautiful Andrew :)

13 Jul, 2012


A shrub from South America, requiring a light well-drained soil, in full sun and shelter. Reaches six feet in height, slightly wider.
I planted mine in the autumn of 2006, but it hasn't really got going until this year. It looked a bit sorry for itself after the winter before last but recovered fairly quickly.

13 Jul, 2012


Looking good, I'm surprized it's done so well this summer you must have had more sun than us!!! :-)

13 Jul, 2012


Such a beauty....

13 Jul, 2012


Its lovely Andrew...I have only 1 bloom on mine........but hope for more...

13 Jul, 2012


PH - not sure why it's done so well, certainly not the sun. It has put on lots of growth so it must be the moisture it likes

13 Jul, 2012


Oh my word! Incredible!

16 Jul, 2012


Please help! Do you know what type of shrub it is - so I know which category to nominate it for?


16 Jul, 2012


Rose - it's an evergreen shrub for full sun. Does that help?

16 Jul, 2012


Ah - thanks. Have nominated under evergreen shrubs. Although I notice it comes up 'already featured' under 'flowering shrubs,' so presumably someone's beaten me to it?

No surprise there!

16 Jul, 2012


Wow that is special Andrew......

16 Jul, 2012

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