Close up of Fuchsia 'Ballet Girl ' :o)
By Bloomer

25 Jul, 2012
I am in love! ..
Comments on this photo
She is,isn't she Kasy? a lovely gift from Cinderella :o)
25 Jul, 2012
What are you feeding it on !!!!
25 Jul, 2012
Wow thats so pretty :)
25 Jul, 2012
Maybe just she's just talking to it? lol
25 Jul, 2012
Lol, be honest,it hasn't had a lot of liquid food,as it's been too wet to water it..but it was all good compost and I put some slow release plant tablets only the best for 'Ballet Girl' !..all this rain has done wonders,really..:o)
25 Jul, 2012
Well it has certainly done well hasn't it.
25 Jul, 2012
Thanks, is,and yes,Kasy..I have been known to talk to my plants :o)
25 Jul, 2012
It has,Cinders..and you know how long I have been waiting for it to flower..well worth the wait :o)
25 Jul, 2012
She is a beauty B. Great photo.
25 Jul, 2012
:) I do the same:) and they seem to like it, lol
25 Jul, 2012
She is very aptly named. It looks just like a frilly tutu. Beautiful Jx
25 Jul, 2012
Thanks G.mage...almost a crick in the neck ,taking it! Lol.
It's more like a threat,Kasy,than a conversation ! :o)
thanks Jane..I agree ,she couldn't have a better name :o)
25 Jul, 2012
Very nice...looks a bit like 'Swingtime'?....
25 Jul, 2012
Gorgeous Bloomer, I thought it was Swingtime but I think that one is smaller. I bet you do a spot of ballet dancing in the privacy of your garden to get it going :o)))))
26 Jul, 2012
Thanks Moti and is a bit similar to Swingtime,which I had last year..but only in colour really..a much bigger flower,and lovely markings on the white part..I much prefer this one..and as regards Ballet dancing in the garden..think 'dying swan' ..Lol :o)
26 Jul, 2012
Are you saying the same things I do? 'If you don't flower in few weeks time I'll get rid of you'? lol
26 Jul, 2012
Almost,Kasy..but not as politely as you..same meaning though ! Lol.
26 Jul, 2012
26 Jul, 2012
Know what you mean B. Lol. I imagine you on your knees and then getting stuck!!!! That is what would happen to me!!
26 Jul, 2012
Gorgeous and if ever there was a name that suited a specific plant - this is it!!
26 Jul, 2012
That is a beauty Sandra, definately worth the wait! will you do a special performance of the Dying Swanand get Russell to take a picvture, in need of a good laugh !Ha, Ha, Ha
26 Jul, 2012
Thank you is so pretty....and G.mage,you got it in one there..I'd be just like that ! Lol..
Thanks Scottish..and I agree,just the perfect name...
thank you,Carole..and no ,is the answer to that one,..even for you.. not even a pirouette ! Lol.
26 Jul, 2012
What a let down, you spoil sport lol will P.M you tomorrow;0)
26 Jul, 2012
I was going to ask you to have a pic taken of you doing the Can Can,or a bit of break dancing....rock on,Carole :o)
about as much chance as me then ? ..thought so ! Lol...and thanks,to you and Harry....a nice surprise:o) will 'chat' tomorrow xx
26 Jul, 2012
lovely Bloomer
27 Jul, 2012
Cheers will definitely be overwintering inside ,and have taken cuttings .just in case :o)..hopefully,to put in next years pots..planning ahead already ! Lol.
27 Jul, 2012
way to be Bloomer ;))
27 Jul, 2012
sure is Paul :o)
27 Jul, 2012
Funny you should say that Sandra, friends of ours have a video of me doing the Can Can but afraid its been censored lol bad luck ;0))
27 Jul, 2012
you little dark horse ! Wonder what else has been censored ? the mind boggles ! Lol.
27 Jul, 2012
Lol that would be telling!!
27 Jul, 2012
I might have to ply you with a carafe of wine or two,just to find out your hidden talents ! Lol
27 Jul, 2012
You are very welcome to try lol
27 Jul, 2012
I didn't think you would put up much resistance! Lol..
27 Jul, 2012
Ooh, this is gorgeous, Sandra ... and I must tell you the advert currently on my screen is for corsets (think can-can style!) .....
7 Aug, 2012
How apt,Shirley.! and thank you..I love this one,and it's quite big now..
I hope the cuttings take ok ..they look fine so far :o)
7 Aug, 2012
I'm sure they'll thrive with some TLC from you ... :o)
8 Aug, 2012
..and abit of swearing ! :o)..just noticed I didn't spell 'Fuchsia 'right.Lol..slapped hands time..I should know,I've typed it often enough
8 Aug, 2012
Quick ... go to 'Edit Photo' and change the spelling error ... I won't tell anybody you can't spell ... lol!
8 Aug, 2012
I will...I have..and no,don't ! Lol.
8 Aug, 2012
8 Aug, 2012
Have you just been sat there waiting,Shirley? that was quick ! :o)
8 Aug, 2012
Lol, Sandra, I have been on the phone to a friend for the past 47 minutes ... a 'catch-up as not spoken for a while' call ... logged onto GoY and there you were! ... :o)
8 Aug, 2012
Ok,hope you had a good natter :o) know I'm always around somewhere on here .. Makes me sound like a stalker ! ..I'm not,before you ask..Lol.
8 Aug, 2012
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She's lovely:)
25 Jul, 2012