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Cupid and Venus

Cupid and Venus

Sorry Lulu...thought I was already there. Quite a job this I imagine.

Comments on this photo


Where was this taken Pimp?

1 Aug, 2012


It is a memorial to those lost at sea Tracey, in Morecambe.

1 Aug, 2012


I don't wish to sound flippant, but that's a very nasty case of acne they've got there.............. :o)

1 Aug, 2012



1 Aug, 2012


QUite odd lol

1 Aug, 2012


A lot of work Pimp!

1 Aug, 2012


It reminds me of a joke about Superman, Superwomen and the Invisible man shame I cannot repeat it on here lol:)

1 Aug, 2012


I'm full of admiration for anyone who can make an action sculpture like that. Good one Pimm's :)

1 Aug, 2012


Oh Go on, go on, go on, Nana D! Just whisper it!

1 Aug, 2012


No Winkles! lol

1 Aug, 2012


Amazing ,it must be super strong and well balanced to support it at that angle ....

1 Aug, 2012


That isn't something I saw ,when we went to Morecambe a long time ago,Pimms,..we must have been walking the wrong way..very striking sculpture...

1 Aug, 2012


"This sculpture is positioned on a grass area at Scalestones Point on Morecambe Seafront. Designed in 2005 by Lancaster artist Shane Johnstone, it was originally destined for St. George's Quay in Lancaster, but was felt to be better suited to its present setting as a tribute to 'those who are lost at sea', which would include the 23 cocklers lost in 2004 in Morecambe Bay.
I have to confess that, despite having driven past it hundreds of times, I have always thought it was a depiction of a mother and child on the beach, and was a celebration of the open space and free moving air of the Morecambe Bay area.
Having read the placard next to it and discovered it to be Venus and Cupid, commemorating those lost at sea I shall look at it differently in the future.
The surface of the piece is beautifully smooth, but made of a mosaic of tiles. It is well proportioned, has a scale that is way beyond its size and sits well in the coastal scenery.
Amazing how much you can learn about things simply by stopping to photograph them.

Posted by Bay Photographic at 21:26 "

Think I was there 2008 Last time Bloomer.

1 Aug, 2012


That's why I don't remember it then , was long
before 2005 ,when we were last there..
What a lovely tribute to all those lost at sea..especially the Cocklers..that was so tragic..
Thanks for the history of it,and I would have thought of a mother and child image too....glad you stopped to look,.so interesting:o)

1 Aug, 2012


antoher one for my faves. Just to get Cupid to stay up must have been a feat of engineering - I'll have to search for this and find more info. I can't judge how big the piece is, there's nothing to give it scale, so that's another reason to check up.

Thanks for sharing, Pim, fascinating as ever.

2 Aug, 2012


I am not sure I like the actual piece either HB..

Lol Nana... I know that joke. ;0)

3 Aug, 2012


Note I was tactful as ever,Pimms and said 'interesting'!.
I'm not sure I like it either,but appreciate the sentiment..I don't know that joke,but can probably guess :o)

3 Aug, 2012


I am curious to know what connection the theme or name of the statue has with those "lost at sea"

3 Aug, 2012


LOL:)))) Just came to my mind as soon as I saw it !

3 Aug, 2012

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