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Centaurea Macrocephala


By Lulu33

Centaurea Macrocephala

There you go Meanie!

Comments on this photo


Thats a lovely thistle thingy : )

14 Aug, 2012


Didn't know they came in yellow.......maybe it's a mutant and incredibly rare?

14 Aug, 2012


Excellent - looks a bit like a pineapple!! lol

14 Aug, 2012


Get a better photo - I know just the chap to id it.
It certainly looks interesting.

14 Aug, 2012


It;s a bit like 'Centaurea Soltitialis........but then again....maybe not!
It looks just like a thistle but yellow! No leaves, the slugs ate the lot!

14 Aug, 2012


It also doesn't have it can't be the star thistle or the above!!

14 Aug, 2012


Centaurea macrocephala maybe? Would love to grow these.

14 Aug, 2012


Yep TBear, You got it....just googled and it's the same flower! Thankyou!

15 Aug, 2012



15 Aug, 2012


Gorgeous...... this has been on my wish list since Scotsgran posted hers, thanks for reminding me i need to visit the nursery this weekend lulu :))

15 Aug, 2012


Seeds here................

15 Aug, 2012


Thanks Meanie. Maybe it will self seed and i'll have loads of them!
Took 100 photos of my garden last night, in perfect light. Only to find that husband David had used my memory card for band practice. Am well miffed!

16 Aug, 2012



16 Aug, 2012


Indeed...he won't be doing that again!
Had lots of good photos of your crystals, orange bowl! Your 2 tomatoes..........and much, much more!

16 Aug, 2012


oh no not the orange bowl! lol there's an APB out on that : )

16 Aug, 2012


I can imagine you're rather hacked off with him!!!

16 Aug, 2012


I lurve the orange bowl...not sure if it will ever get back to you................It's got plum crumble leftovers in it....and a bit o' cream

16 Aug, 2012


As for the garden photos...sum didn;t shine this eve, so couldn't re-do them!

16 Aug, 2012

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