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What lovely photos, Katarina. Were they taken near to where you live?

3 Sep, 2012


No, this was taken 2 weeks ago in the High Tatras, our highest mountains. There is not enough water in mountains, what is visible here. Normally you do not see those rocks above the water level.

3 Sep, 2012


Gosh, it must have been dry, then.

3 Sep, 2012


Correct. Spring and summer were extremely dry.

4 Sep, 2012


there is obvious change in climate this summer here too

4 Sep, 2012


It seems to have been challenging all over Europe.

4 Sep, 2012


Did somebody of you hear about changes of the Earth electromagnetic layers about two years ago?

4 Sep, 2012


No. Isn't the magnetic polarity of the Earth due to flip soon? Although NASA reckons it won't change anything else.

4 Sep, 2012


NASA doesn´t say everything, it says only benighn things, not strategic and the same are governments.

5 Sep, 2012


Too true!

5 Sep, 2012


One example - information about melting icebergs. First infos - they are melting rapidly due to the global warming. The second wave of news- another group of experts said they are not melting so quickly as ecologists threatened. The third waves of news - the glacier twice as big as Manhattan snaped "unexpectedly" off" Greenland ice sheet in the summer 2012. The fourth wave information - global warming is a false info.

5 Sep, 2012


I don't think anyone is really sure what is happening, or why - just that the climate is changing. Who knows what the effect of that will be in the future?

5 Sep, 2012


It is very well known what caused global warming in a last century.

5 Sep, 2012


The burning of fossil fuels! Have you seen any of the info that is circulating about the Van Allen belts? That is interesting, if not scary, reading.

12 Sep, 2012


Which one do you mean, Lori? I have heard several theories about van Allen´s belts.

12 Sep, 2012


There is a scientist in Russia, allegedly, who is postulating changes which would allow passage thro the belts of draining off the radiation..I's been a while since I read this..but it gave me concern and pause to think. If they act as a shield...we might be experiencing some truly grave consequences. Wouldn't you agree? When I have some time, later today, I will look for the site and post a link.

13 Sep, 2012


I do not know this theory of single scientist. But van Allen´s belts work as filters of radiation from the space, that´s true and it is known for many years. In Earth poles, where the layers are thinnest, is also higher radiation. As far as I remember...:)

13 Sep, 2012
still looking for the report I mentioned before.

19 Sep, 2012


Hi Lori,

Thank you very much for the interesting video, I added also one.
Regarding yours, tell me, how did Indians know hundreds years ago, that the Earth breathes? Scientists call it re-arrangement of ions of unknown origin, Indians called it breathing. Isn´t that interesting?
Earth is so precious object of science, isn´t it. Just let´s hope science will not destroy it.

19 Sep, 2012

19 Sep, 2012

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