Morning light in the garden making things look really colourful still
By Oliveoil

2 Oct, 2012
Comments on this photo
Looking lovely and colourful I like the shape of the hedge and that Hosta is fantastic, Im afraid mine took a real shredding from the Slugs and Snails this year!
2 Oct, 2012
It has grown so much this year Karen, in fact I shall have to rescue some plants from beneath it as it has shaded them out too much. I have trimmed it down in the past but that just makes it send out suckers and they have now started to move the slabs on the little patio area. oops.
Pansy that 'hedge' is the native clematis which climbs like crazy (cut it back down every winter to the floor) it just climbs over everything - lovely dainty flowers with fantastic seed heads but it is very prolific so be :o)
2 Oct, 2012
Pansy have remembered the name of the clematis, lol. Clematis Vitalbe, (Old Mans Beard) I new it would come to me eventually. lol.
2 Oct, 2012
The hosta in this photo looks magnificent Mum!
2 Oct, 2012
I was just thinking...that brick bbq is really the way to go. We have a big fancy Gas one. It's stayed resolutely in the garage all summer. I think it was out once last year. If we had a brick one, we wouldn't have to wheel it out to use it, we could just slap on some coals and off we'd go. I think it would taste better as well, with real coals and smoke instead of Gas.....sigh....oh well.
2 Oct, 2012
Thanks Olive have made a note of that;0)
2 Oct, 2012
Karen it is very handy having it in the garden and ready for use, ready being the operative word, it has only been used once this year, too wet or too cold to sit out and enjoy bbq food. :o(
3 Oct, 2012
I know....just so awful...I'm so glad it's over! lol
3 Oct, 2012
I like this corner of your garden, Barbara. I don't think I've seen it from this angle before. Your Rhus is amazing.
3 Oct, 2012
thank you Rose, that Rhus is growing and taking over lol :O) hoping for lots of colour later on in the year on it. If the sun shines and it is not too wet it turns a fantastic colour.
4 Oct, 2012
It looks really tropical doesn't it? You could underplant it with Fatsias etc. and have a tropical corner!
4 Oct, 2012
I was wondering what to do with this part Karen, that is a good idea. At the minute it has lupins and an old azalea which didn't produce flowers last year and crocosmia etc. I shall have to get in there and do some sorting out. Even the old white Buddleia at the side of the Rhus has been overshadowed. It is true what they say a garden is never ever 'finished'. lol :O) When the tree dies down it gets light but because of all the wet it has grown really big and stopped the light getting in, in fact you cannot see that border at the minute for Rhus tree.
4 Oct, 2012
That sounds like a good opportunity for shade-loving lush planting then mum....a nice Fatshedera and a passiflora for the fence, perhaps some heucheras on the ground, ferns for the dry shade under the might even have a tree fern to add to the 'tropical' feel! Ooooh, I feel quite envious! :)
4 Oct, 2012
Steady on Karen, think of my back lol :O)
5 Oct, 2012
:) A little at a time then!
5 Oct, 2012
lol:o) yep we live and learn, little and often at the moment. We are getting lovely sunshine today, hope it is shining on you up in Scotland :O)
6 Oct, 2012
Yes it is! I've been sitting in the Conservatory reading, but we did sit out there earlier in the sun and have coffee. :) Lots of little birds on the feeder to watch today. Greedy little beggars though and messy too! lol
6 Oct, 2012
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Rhus is's grown huge!
2 Oct, 2012