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Pyracantha 'Golden Charm'

Pyracantha 'Golden Charm' (Pyracantha 'Golden Charmer')

For my records....
No flowers or berries this year - it was cut right back (ouch!!) and moved after being planted in the wrong place. Has settled in, put on a good bit of growth. A few snips here and there to keep it tidy. It will be trained along/up this fence.

Comments on this photo


Very neat!!

29 Oct, 2012


It's only neat because it's still small Lulu - wait til it gets bigger and I cant get in about it!!

29 Oct, 2012


I know that feeling last year 20' up a ladder!

31 Oct, 2012

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This photo is of species Pyracantha 'Golden Charmer'.

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This photo is of "Pyracantha 'Golden Charmer' " in Scottish's garden

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