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Prickly Pear Cactus Fruit

Prickly Pear Cactus Fruit (Prickly Pear Cactus)

There's so many Prickly pear cactus species which grow wild in San Diego, CA. The fruits are now available in stores. I'm not sure why anyonr would purchase them at the store when there's millions growing wild here. Photo taken Nov. 8, 2012.

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Interesting photo :o)
What are the fruits like to eat ?
What texture ? What taste do they have ?

9 Nov, 2012


The fruits are very seedy. I personally don't like them. They are very, very commonly eaten here, though.

I guess it would be good to juice. It has a very high vitamin C content.

9 Nov, 2012


I can understand your not liking all those seeds in the fruits... juice sounds better idea ... all that Vit. C ! :o)

9 Nov, 2012


I've had dragon fruit cactus for 12 years and it has only produce one fruit (last year). This year I hand-pollinated it and it still didn't produce any fruit! I think it get too much shade under the very large Norfolk Island Pine.

Dragon fruit is one of the those miracle fruits, which has a tremendous amount of vitamins.

9 Nov, 2012


Interesting ... I hope your plant has more fruits next year.

9 Nov, 2012


I hope so too!

10 Nov, 2012


Those are flower buds on it? I mean, those things which look like sweetchestnuts?
By the way, you are right, you can use the juice naturally, only in much smaller quantities, as those in shops are quite often diluted or fortified. It induces detoxification of organism, however risk of diarrhea is high, lol.

10 Nov, 2012


No, they are fruit.

10 Nov, 2012



10 Nov, 2012


Yes, I guess you didn't read the previous comments. lol! :)

10 Nov, 2012


Oh, sorry, I do not read all comments, just what the author says on picture. Sorry.

10 Nov, 2012


That's okay! All the prickly pear fruits are edible. There's many species which grow wild here in San Diego.

Many of the prickly pears are available for sale in the stores, here, right now.

10 Nov, 2012


Do they contain vitamins, too?

10 Nov, 2012


Yes, they're high in vitamin C.

10 Nov, 2012


great pic Delonix. i would love to taste them. our supper markets sell blackberries when they are growing wild every where. but i suppose not everyone has the time.

12 Nov, 2012


A first for me, not sure I would like them if they are pippy....interesting photo though.

12 Nov, 2012



Thanks! I wish I could send you some; although, they would be decomposed by time you receive them. lol! :>)

13 Nov, 2012



I think the seeds are strained out.

I love passion fruit which has lots of seeds and I strain out the seeds and juice it. My neighbor has huge passion fruit vines with thousands of fruit.

13 Nov, 2012


The modern approach to food is madness! As Sandra said - Blackberries grow everywhere. And around here there are hundreds of Damson trees that were planted to form fast growing trees on an area that used to get boggy'ish on the edge of a housing estate - the area is nicely dried out now thanks to the trees yet I'm the only person who seems to collect the fruit.

13 Nov, 2012


now that would be a funny parcel in the post
i would love access to your damson trees Meanie...i just love picking and making with all the lovely things nature provides us with..:-)

13 Nov, 2012


Not mine - I'm just the only person who seems to bother. Perhaps I'm just tight?!
Actually I may have hit the nail on the head - everyone else is afraid of being thought of as tight!

13 Nov, 2012


i think finally it is becoming trendy to to be so much more acceptable to pick berrys and re use things. as it should be :-)

13 Nov, 2012


I just hate waste Sandra!

13 Nov, 2012



Yes, I hate waste, too! Although, I have so many tropical guavas (a bumper crop) this year, I don't know what to do with them. I'm still thinking about making guava jam.

14 Nov, 2012


or wine ....

14 Nov, 2012


Good idea. However, I don't drink wine anymore.

I like guava jam because it's really good basted on meats. :>)

14 Nov, 2012


sounds scrumptious...

16 Nov, 2012


Yes, it's like sweet and sour. :>)

19 Nov, 2012

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