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Bescorneria yuccoides

Bescorneria yuccoides (Beschorneria\yuccoides)

Better late than never :o)

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Ooh ..I like this. Love these structural-type plants.

13 Nov, 2012


It was well worth waiting for Ph it's a good shape to :o)

14 Nov, 2012



14 Nov, 2012


Thanks all, it has lots of offsets at the bottom so should make a nice clump :o)

14 Nov, 2012


It's far bigger than mine which is pot grown! That bloomed back in the summer here.
Do you know how easy it is to remove the offsets? I'd like to try one in the ground.............

20 Nov, 2012


I've not tried it before or looked closely at them, its probably best done in the spring i'll have a close look at the offsets and get back to you.

20 Nov, 2012


I'll have to repot it in the spring. There are three fresh flowering sized crowns for next year, plus five new ones too.

20 Nov, 2012


I am well impressed, how old is it please?

20 Nov, 2012


This one is about 3 years old, 2 years in a pot and in the ground this year, this is its first flower there are lots of offsetts round the base so if it winters ok it should make a large plant next year. :o)

21 Nov, 2012


Well done, will have a look around....

21 Nov, 2012

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This photo is of species Beschorneria\yuccoides.

This photo is of "Beschorneria yuccoides" in Plantoholic's garden

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