Fuschia Carmel Blue
By Gralew

15 Nov, 2012
Comments on this photo
I love this Fuchsia,Gralew..and once "aquired" a cutting from one..but it didn't survive! serves me right,I guess :o)
15 Nov, 2012
why's that Bloomer, did you pinch that cutting? ;)
15 Nov, 2012
You don't mince your words,do you Karen ? ..in a word ..yes ! Lol.
15 Nov, 2012
Great when you have the gall to admit your Guilt Sandra lol we were in B&Q yesterday and I saw a lady with an armful of Fuschias just like yours Val and they were marked down from £9 00 to £2. 00 what bargains eh!!
15 Nov, 2012
Well,you have to have a good memory to lie,Carole..Lol.
Did you buy anything? ..I agree,a real bargain:o)
15 Nov, 2012
Sorry, you can take the girl out of Yorkshire but........;O)
15 Nov, 2012
Lovely delicate fuchsia. I've never grown one from a cutting ....pinched or otherwise. Will attempt to do that one day .....
15 Nov, 2012
Lol,Karen...very true :o) ..
15 Nov, 2012
Glad i'm not the only one to "aquire" cuttings Bloomer! my OH disowns me when i say "Ooh thats nice, and look round to see of there's anyone spying on me ! I've attempted some cuttings this year and up to now they seem to have taken, keep giving them a little gentle tug! :)))))
Think mine only cost me a couple of pounds from a little nursery on a day out
15 Nov, 2012
I think a few of us have done that,Val..my first Euonymous
came from a landscaped area of a Supermarket! ..I now have five from it.I adopted their slogan of a B0G0FF ..to my own version..of POGFF..(pinch one,get five free ) LOl...there,my sins have come to light :o)
16 Nov, 2012
I have done it myself, only on council owned plants though. None of them have taken so far, I think I'd need to keep a small pair of scissors and a plastic bag in my pocket for that!
16 Nov, 2012
I used to work at that Supermarket,Karen,so looked on it as part of the perks! Lol..hope you have a big enough pocket! :o)
16 Nov, 2012
You crack me up Bloomer, keep it up :))))))))
16 Nov, 2012
Better than being miserable,Val ..:o)))
16 Nov, 2012
You can add me to your list to make a Trio lol
16 Nov, 2012
I bet there will be lots more who have done the same,Carole..the list could be very long ! :o)
16 Nov, 2012
no wonder the plants at B&Q look moth eaten at times lol
16 Nov, 2012
Lol,Carole..especially on 10% day! ..must say,I've never done that,so stop putting ideas into my head ! :o))
17 Nov, 2012
You dont need me to put ideas in your head Sandra, you have lots of your own lol
17 Nov, 2012
Hate to admit this, but i've "nipped" a couple of carnation bits from B&Q. Only done it once tho! got too much earache from OH!!!
17 Nov, 2012
Enough for both of us Carole ! Lol
So that was you on Crime watch,then,Val ? :o))
17 Nov, 2012
Thats why my avatar is a rose, daren't risk the chance of being hauled in front the big burly security bloke, he's probably a GoYer in disguise :))))
18 Nov, 2012
Lol,Val,he might have a lovely garden himself ! don't worry,I won't 'grass' you up.(terrible pun)..:o)
18 Nov, 2012
Lovely fushcia......
Yep I've done it too seeds from a park in Hammersmith didn't have a clue what the plant was turned into a siberian iris :-) and my ceonothus was from a cutting from a council garden in our town centre, just helping with the pruning :-)
Your POGFF made me laugh Bloomer :-))
18 Nov, 2012
ha ha,Simbad..not easy to say either,is it ? ..and I wonder how many of us have taken seedheads,and only had a tissue to put them in ? ..finding them weeks after ,in the bottom of a handbag,shrivelled to dust? ..come on you lot,own up ! :o))))
18 Nov, 2012
Now thats so weird the only thing I could find to put them in was a tissue too,lol :-))
There's a lovely viburnum outside the council offices too that really needs a bit of pruning, trouble is its on a main road, mmmmm maybe I should buy a hoodie :-))))
19 Nov, 2012
What,to hide beneath,or put your ill gotten gains in ? :o))
19 Nov, 2012
To hide under so no one recognises me,lol, but yes could see how it could be useful for hiding the odd cutting:-))))
19 Nov, 2012
I can see how suspicious that would look,if all supposedly mature ladies descended on them wearing hoodies! ..I can see the "forbidden " sign now,Simbad..Lol
20 Nov, 2012
LOL ,the pictures going through my mind :-)))
20 Nov, 2012
ha ha,all of us lined up ,after being thrown out :o)
Headlines in media.." Grows on you" gang ,grabbed in B & Q ! :o)))))
20 Nov, 2012
How come my Carmel Blue fuschia has come down to "Grows on you gang" and hoodies. Must admit my pics have caused a stir, with you lot. Have enjoyed it reading them all!!!!!! :))))))))
20 Nov, 2012
I'm sure you will have noticed by now,how we like to go off topic,Val....more often than not :o)))
20 Nov, 2012
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That's a beauty, unusual colour!
15 Nov, 2012