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Mr.Kaja....... for PamD

Mr.Kaja....... for PamD

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Cute :o)

20 Nov, 2012


Awe that's lovely share and share alike lol.

20 Nov, 2012


Oh he's beautiful. I'm PamD by the way ~ confusing :o)

21 Nov, 2012


Oh, so sorry PamD. I do not know what was I thinking. Now I will remember your name forever. There is lots of names in this group but only one PamD. Glad you like him :-).

My apologies to Pamg also.

21 Nov, 2012


Thanks for your comment Sixpence. There is another Sixpence member is not it? Sixpence48 (I think) from s. Africa?. Or am I confused again???

Thanks Gudia.Glad you like Mr.Kaja '

21 Nov, 2012


Yes there is another sixpence with 48 following her name , no your not getting confused. Perhaps people will think its me answering their blogs and pictures, he he that will save me commenting wont it, save my electric too :o))))

22 Nov, 2012


I've just made a comment to someones pic & it put up a completely different avatar to mine, we aren't the only confused ones. lol :o) o)

22 Nov, 2012


His name is Mr. Kaja :-)

25 Nov, 2012


It is just a name Gudia.

26 Nov, 2012


Not sure of the accuracy here .. but ..
from the internet ...

Swedish ... Kaja means jackdaw
Greek ... Kaja means pure
Estonian ... Kaja means echo !

26 Nov, 2012



26 Nov, 2012


We learn "something" every day. :-) Thanks Terra.

26 Nov, 2012


Does Mr Kaja imitate sounds ? ..
If so, Echo would be most appropriate ! :o)

26 Nov, 2012


Yes he does. He also knows how to whistle "happy birthday" and "jingle bells" .....the whole song, quite accurately. Almost as talented as your puppies.

26 Nov, 2012


So cute and picture perfect! :>)

27 Nov, 2012


Clever Mr Kaja :o)

27 Nov, 2012


Thank you Delonix1 and Terra for your comments.
Mr. Kaja is cute and clever. You would not believe how much personality the bird has. First we thought we will have a bird just looking prety in a cage, but he became a pet. We learned to understand his likes and dislikes.

27 Nov, 2012


Yes ... little birds do have lots of personality ... especially those of the parrot family, such as cockatiels and budgies :o)

27 Nov, 2012


Your cockatiel is so cute. I have a cockatiel that looks exactly like yours. He flew into my yard about 7 years ago and is now a beloved member of my kindergarten class. I named him Rascal as he is quite a character.

28 Dec, 2012


Hello Read....., I do not see the white face cockatiels around very often. I love them. Rascal is a cute name. Mr.Kaja is 16 years old.

29 Dec, 2012


Hi Klahanie,
I just added more pictures, 2 of them are of my Cockatiel Rascal.

30 Dec, 2012


I've noticed. They look like brothers.

30 Dec, 2012

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