lucky n' colby
By Junna

24 Nov, 2012
Comments on this photo
My kittens are not fussed on Charlie the dog, they hiss at him and all he wants to do is play...:>)
24 Nov, 2012
He's so cute Junna - I hope that he and Colby are good friends. My cats get on well with my dog - they even come on his walks when we go round the park. All the neighbours laugh when they see Oscar with 3 cats running around wanting to play with him. Oscar is really old and very arthritic now that the can't play like he wants too.
24 Nov, 2012
Pretty little kitten :D
24 Nov, 2012
A very cute couple :o)
24 Nov, 2012
Thanks Paul, I know Moti i have seen it in your Pictures, And i really like Ruby and Pearl:-))) Wow! Angie that was very funny ,give my hug to Oscar,very kind dog,Please show some pictures of your Oscar and Lovely cats Angie, Thanks, Hywel , Amy and to all who like it:-O)
26 Nov, 2012
I'll get some up to date pictures to show you Junna - it's really cold here this week and poor Oscar is really suffering. Vet has him back on pain relief for a while.
29 Nov, 2012
Good colour coordination with your dog and kitten................
1 Feb, 2013
Yes, Meet Colby and Lucky , Tom ,pretty combination they they always make me laugh and they always love to quarrel :-)))
1 Feb, 2013
just catching up junna and lovely doggy and cat you have, so cute :o)
2 Feb, 2013
Thanks Sanbaz:-)))
2 Feb, 2013
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lovely Junna
24 Nov, 2012