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White flowers for a not so white Christmas.

White flowers for a not so white Christmas.

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26 Dec, 2012


So pretty ! :o)

26 Dec, 2012


Oh I'm glad we've got white flowers and not white snow :o)

26 Dec, 2012


Thanks Sticki and Tt. ;o)))

27 Dec, 2012


Lol Hywel, I think you need to move to a nice warm sunny place! ;o)))

27 Dec, 2012


The rain suits me :o)

27 Dec, 2012


Very nice! What kind of flowers are they?

Has it been warm there?

We've been freezing (not literally) here in San Diego. It's been so cold the last couple of days and last two weeks. Supposedly the warm, mild weather will be back this coming week. I can't wait!

1 Jan, 2013


These are Kalanchoe flowers, I was just playing around with my "new" camera.

It's been really wet here Delonix. I mean rain and rain and rain and rain..... I prefer cold and sunny to the damp wet weather...yuk

I hope your warm weather returns, we still have a few more months of not so nice weather here.

1 Jan, 2013


I thought the flowers looked familiar. I have some red Kalanchoe flowering in the ground in the front yard. I have several other species of Kalanchoe in the ground, too.

It's been pretty wet here, also. Cold, wet storms coming from the north off-and-on over the last couple of weeks have brought us some good rains. We need the rain very badly, so it's a good thing. It's just been so damned cold! I had the coldest morning in six years on Sunday, it was 39ºF (3.9ºC) for a very short time...and the daytime highs have only been around 60ºF (16ºC) or only slightly higher.

1 Jan, 2013


I might plant mine in the garden this spring....mine grow outside in pots anyway. Nothing really going on in the garden at the moment...... It feels like a race before the start.....waiting for the green light!

It hasn't been cold here this year as much as it's been WET! Those are really low temps for you, it hasn't dropped that low for us yet.

Well, my Cymbidium has two flower spikes.....I'm sooooo happy. I didn't bring it in to the house until two weeks ago. Happy happy happy me!!!!!!!!

2 Jan, 2013


Is it Kalanchoe blossfeldiana? K. blossfeldiana is commonly grown outside here and it blooms very well most of the year.

Glad to hear about your Cymbidium! My Cymbidium is still recovering from the years of neglect. :>)

We had very warm and very mild nights and morning lows up to about 2 weeks ago. Then the cold fronts from the north starting coming in. The next 4 or 5 days the daytime highs are going to be 70ºF (21ºC) or so, which is the normal high for this time of year.

2 Jan, 2013


I have no idea what type of Kalanchoe it is. One is a gift with no name and the other is a cutting from my mom's.

I "try" not to make the same mistake twice...I can't wait to see my Cymbidium with flowers!

Did you get your nice warm weather? The tepms have been up and down, sunny and cloudy here. Proper winter weather.

6 Jan, 2013


Yes, it's been just 70ºF (21ºC) (even warmer in some places) during the last 3 or 4 days. However, the weather is going to change, it's suppose to rain tomorrow.

I'm waiting for the 80ºF (27ºC) weather to return. We should get some warm weather in January, as we always get a heatwave every January and February.

6 Jan, 2013

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