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Seasonal Garden Sculpture

Seasonal Garden Sculpture

I thought this made an attractive garden feature ~ and it was free!!!
[It doesnt show up as well on the camera in the day time]

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How did it get to be that shape Sticki ?

24 Jan, 2013


I put it there Sue ~ gathered up the icicles!!

24 Jan, 2013


I was going to ask the same question until I scrolled down! What a good idea - it makes a great picture!

24 Jan, 2013


:-) thanks Melchi, it was fun but it isnt as clear in the picture as I wanted it to be.

24 Jan, 2013


I was wondering how they went 'up'!!
Very pretty :)

24 Jan, 2013


not stalagmites! thanks lulu ~ at least i cant slip over on that ice!

24 Jan, 2013


It would be a difficult thing to photograph. It does look nice, though.

24 Jan, 2013


I took several photos in the daylight and the dark, flash and no flash, maybe the background is wrong?

thanks melchi

24 Jan, 2013


I like the black background!

24 Jan, 2013


deepest darkest Worcestershire!!!

24 Jan, 2013


When I saw stalagmites I was worried for you! Glad that you cheated and haven't moved to the Artic!!☺

25 Jan, 2013


ice spikes with my little eye something beginning with - - - - - - - - ????

25 Jan, 2013


Thanks Meanie ~ its nearly but not quite as bad as the Arctic! [still 8 inches of snow here!!!]

and the icicles are still standing ~ got to try to get a better photo!

probably p bampy ~ but I would say I sPIE ???
but which pie would it be?

25 Jan, 2013


Eight inches! Booger that!

25 Jan, 2013


Been here a week meanie! Eight inches fell last Friday, after several days of freezing temperatures the level was maintained, then I think it began to compact a little and guess what we had more snow!

The pavements and the side roads are still thick with snow and ice. I think it's maybe because I live on the side of the Lickey hills, at the highest point 297 meters asl.

25 Jan, 2013


Move somewhere warmer!

25 Jan, 2013


on my home computer page, i have 6 different places and their weather forecasts ~ one where i live, 3 where different family members live and then the place i love best ~ Harris, Hebrides and by contrast Fort William ~ recently Luskentyre Harris has been by far and away warmer than the rest of mainland Britain!!! was that where you had in mind?

25 Jan, 2013


I was thinking along these lines................

25 Jan, 2013


I was expecting you to say Australia!!

I like this bit:

'Have you ever dreamt of living on a finca where you hear nothing but the bees buzzing and birds singing? Would you like to sit on your own and private terrace, not being looked over by any neighbours and yet being able to see miles and miles of mountain ranges, a lake, the sea and a tiny white village in the distance?'

but it has to have a view like this:

25 Jan, 2013


I get that! Needs to be 30°c though!

25 Jan, 2013


ok, that is the only downside ~ i will admit that!

plus the wind is a bit of a problem ~ no trees can grow!

30 is a bit hot for me ~ do you think there is a compromise ~ but i still want a view of the beach to myself! where else could i look?

25 Jan, 2013


Scilly Isles?

Or New Zealand..................

25 Jan, 2013


i had a feeling you would say scilly isles ~ attractive but too expensive for me

new zealand also attractive ~ not sure about that very rough crossing between north and south island ~ not that im fussy or anything!!

25 Jan, 2013


how about this:

[not sure if there is room for too many plants in the hammock though]

25 Jan, 2013


"~ not sure about that very rough crossing between north and south island ~ "

That is exactly what airplanes are for!

25 Jan, 2013


I dont trust them either

how about this for somewhere to eat:

25 Jan, 2013


I was going to suggest Bora Bora but thought that it would be too hot!

25 Jan, 2013


I would be too distracted!

Maybe that's the idea to mask the crap food (or am I just being cynical).

25 Jan, 2013


oh YES!!!!!!!!!!

i have given up being practical now ~ the colour sold that one for me ~ plus NO ONE else on the beach!!!!

or this

25 Jan, 2013


ooooooooooooh you cynic!!!!!!!!!

not to worry ~ you wont starve ~ i know you can cook!

25 Jan, 2013


Just had a seafood Massaman curry..................

25 Jan, 2013


That sounds a yummy curry, just had a plain ole chicken made by himindoors!

29 Jan, 2013


oh trust you meanie ~ now im hungry again ~ i love the massaman curry! its my favourite at the thai restaurant near here!

did you make it yourself? if so is there an easy recipe please?

im sure 'himindoors' makes a great chicken dish DD!!!

30 Jan, 2013


Lol....sometimes it is perfect, he has improved with age.

30 Jan, 2013


like a good wine?

31 Jan, 2013


New Zealand...just stunning...well worth a 'long' visit!

2 Feb, 2013


It does look amazing, I have a friend who goes every other year, her brother lives there.

2 Feb, 2013

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