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Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Variegatus'

Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Variegatus'

This plant is about six years old, so you can see how slowly this evergreen flowering shrub grows. This one is in full shade.

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Interesting to know this is in full shade..
lovely shrub. :o)

7 Feb, 2013


I have this one Karen - so nice - but ours in full sun - wonderful plants - yes very slow growers

7 Feb, 2013


Another good one, a useful evergreen.

7 Feb, 2013


Thanks everyone. I took this because it was missing from my catalogue pages, but tbh It is one of those shrubs that is mostly ignored, just fills a gap on the fence....under-appreciated!

8 Feb, 2013


Very nice. Does it have a soil preference?

11 Feb, 2013


Yes, it likes soil....which is sad for this one, as it is planted in builders is RHS advice...

Fertile, well-drained, preferably neutral to acid but some lime is tolerated

11 Feb, 2013


This is lovely, and I have a very shady space to fill, but I'm not too patient with slow growers I'm afraid!

19 Feb, 2013


Who is Louisa? I think I am the least patient gardener in the world! I thought gardening would teach me to be patient, but I've been at it about 25 years now and I seem to be exactly as impatient as I always was! Lol!

19 Feb, 2013

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This photo is of "Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Variegatus'" in Karensusan63's garden

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