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Hippeastrum 'Flaming Peacock'

Hippeastrum 'Flaming Peacock'  (Hippeastrum 'Flaming Peacock')

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Stunning :o)))

13 Feb, 2013


That's pretty spectacular and a second bud as well.

13 Feb, 2013


wow! what a pretty one that is

13 Feb, 2013


I love it. There are five flower buds on this stem and the stem behind looks as if there are a few buds bursting to get out. The South American species are Hippeastrum papillio because they look like butterflies. It is hard to see on this one, which I bought because I liked the colours, but the website address given below the photograph gives details and photos of these lovely flowers. I thought I had written this up there but obviously not. The big strappy leaves being supported on canes is a plant I had last year. It had died back but I did not get any flowers so I'm giving it some potash when I water it in the hope of getting flowers next year.

13 Feb, 2013


That is lovely Sheila - I hope your other comes back and flowers for you!

13 Feb, 2013


Fantastic flower!!

13 Feb, 2013


Fantastic bloom,:0)

13 Feb, 2013


That's gorgeous, Scotsgran :)

13 Feb, 2013


What a beauty!

13 Feb, 2013


Thank you all. I would not have associated it with South American species. I thought these came from South Africa. When I got my seeds from the SRGC seed exchange, I was unable to have all the seeds I wanted because they were in short supply this year, but they believe in giving you the number you ordered. Hippeastrum papillio was sent and I did not have a clue what it was. I looked it up on the net and had decided to hand those seeds back at our next meeting. I was giving this a drink and I realised the name was familiar which led to my looking for more information. I have decided to keep the seeds and see what I can grow. Flaming Peacock is a hybrid so I will need to have a go at cross fertilising the new plant with another. It is all new and quite exciting. This can't be done overnight it will take several years.

13 Feb, 2013


Very Smart...I like...

16 Feb, 2013


Beautiful... :o))) I like too!

16 Feb, 2013



8 Apr, 2013


Thank you all. I had ten flowers on this plant. I will feed it up and hope it flowers again next year.

8 Apr, 2013


I forgot to ask, Scotsgran, are they indoor plants?

13 May, 2013


Yes they are Mouldy. They are on sale as loose single bulbs or more often boxed for gifts with a pot and a bag of compost sufficient to plant the bulb. As Christmas time gets closer you will see the bulbs growing in pots, for sale in Supermarkets and Garden Centres. The bulb will give you between 1 and six flowers on a stem.

13 May, 2013


I have just noticed an advert on the right side of the screen. Jersey Plants are claiming they sell summer flowering hardy hippeastrum bulbs. I don't buy on line so have no experience of the company.

13 May, 2013


Thanks, Scotsgran, I'll keep an eye out.

14 May, 2013


You can also buy them as a cut flower at Christmas time too! :o))) Although the cut ones are not as striking as this one, they do last reasonably well.

18 May, 2013


That is interesting Petaltracy. I have seen them at Kuekenhof garden for sale as cut flowers but never in Scotland.

20 May, 2013


You might need to visit a good florist at Christmas time Scotsgran. They come from Holland and are available in several colours. I do know of a large supermarket (The name begins with M!) that sell a short stemmed cut Amaryillis for the vase, but I'm not sure if you have M*******s in Scotland?!

20 May, 2013


Had to laugh at this - it's what our family consider our clan! And they definitely exist in Scotland!

20 May, 2013


Indeed they do and I always visit their plant and cut flower area but not seen these. Possibly snapped up as soon as they arrive - like lots of bargains advertised.

21 May, 2013


Our local one shut down 3yrs ago. :-(

22 May, 2013


Our daughter lives very close to one in Partick, but they're moving to Paisley next week - she's going to miss it, I think!

23 May, 2013

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