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At last, a fully functional veg patch!


By Lulu33

At last, a fully functional veg patch!

And just in time too! Am very excited.

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ooooh lulu that is so smart! looks brilliant!

6 Mar, 2013


Very, very excited! Looking into a slightly more robust green house....seen one on the web but don't know how to copy the link....using new mini is just full of new excitement!

6 Mar, 2013


OH has the mini ipad, you have to tap the link and hold it for a second then an option comes up to select all, i think, then when that is done you can select copy ~ after that, put your finger where you want the link to appear and you should get an option to paste.

all you want in your little green house is a flask and a comfy chair and that will be perfect!

6 Mar, 2013


nice one Lou, lucky you having the space, hope you do well with the crops :o)))

6 Mar, 2013


Looks ready and waiting Lulu. Almost eager :-)

6 Mar, 2013


have you decided which veg lulu?

6 Mar, 2013


Oooh, you're going to have some cracking veggies in there looks great! Have fun. I love those little yellow courgettes and mange tout always do really well for me too. :)

6 Mar, 2013


It looks very neat and professional , you are going to have fun and rewards for your efforts with tasty veg ,good luck !

6 Mar, 2013


oooh its come out side ipad thing!
Am so excited but am looking into a slightly better greenhouse.
As for veg.........................
khol rabbi, salads, beetroot, pots, toms...........oh so many wonderful veg and salads......and herbs, lots of coriander. Shrub beans. onions and garlic (missed the boat for garlic I think)

Wow it's strange typing on a pc after a mac.....sorts spelling out in advance, I just type and 'it' corrects. Very lazy!

6 Mar, 2013


it also does apostrophes sometimes! and capital letters!

6 Mar, 2013


Hmmmm, now iPad isn't updating my Facebook....all too much for an un technophile like me!

6 Mar, 2013


oh sorry, cant help there, i dont know anything about facebook ~ you could try googling it!

6 Mar, 2013


Looking good : )

6 Mar, 2013


wow Lulu..looks perfect...

6 Mar, 2013


thanks peeps....can't wait!

6 Mar, 2013


You'll have plenty to harvest. That's a great sized bed

7 Mar, 2013


It's huge!
Pity it rained last night.....I was going to do a wee dig today...!

7 Mar, 2013


And just ordered a slightly better greenhouse! Can't wait, am still very excited about it all!

7 Mar, 2013


Not even a weed in sight!

7 Mar, 2013


Lots of space for lots of veg there Lulu. One of our gardening club members is very keen on companion planting Our club website is
look on the Tips page for tips on Companion planting. Have you read Moongrowers 'Growing by the moon' blogs. They are full of good advice.

8 Mar, 2013


Thanks Scotsgran I will take a look!
Just working on new mosaic website today though.....I may be some time!

8 Mar, 2013


Where the shot of the new spanking greenhouse then?
I was wondering if this one had taken off in the winds

13 Mar, 2013


I was waiting for you to come and help me put it up!

Ha ha

Hope my mate mr g who works here might help me tomorrow before it rains.

13 Mar, 2013


ha ha I tell you what you come and help me with my garden projects this year and I'll do likewise lol

13 Mar, 2013


Blinking heck it was hard to put up, the new one!! But it's up, small but up!
Stevie do you start your seeds off indoors?

Hmmmm where do you live Alc man!?
Soooooooo much to get on with eh! And can't believe how wet underground it still is!

17 Mar, 2013


I'm in Cheltenham Lulu - you?

17 Mar, 2013


close to Nailsworth! Thats not far is it!

18 Mar, 2013

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