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Euphorbia Silver Swan...

Euphorbia Silver Swan... (Euphorbia Silver Swan.)

Has been siting in water most of the winter, then snow and it still seems to be ok?

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I had this one - gave it to my neighbour as at time garden was being concreted - lovely plant

12 Mar, 2013


Looking good :o)

12 Mar, 2013


Golly I still can't see my garden for snow !!

12 Mar, 2013


I have no flowers on mine yet, but it's a gorgeous bright foliage plant.:)

12 Mar, 2013


Can you ask for it back Paul lol
Thanks Planto, Amy it went as fast as it came, but it is still freezing, the sun shone today and it was quite warm, but it was the wind chill.........
Karen it certainly is, the only problem with Euphorbias I never know whether to cut them right back, and if so when to do it, have killed a few in the past!!

12 Mar, 2013


Ah, I can answer that now...only found out recently. You only need to cut back the flowered stems, as they are biennial. The non flowering stems should be left for flowering next year! X

12 Mar, 2013


I should lol as I gave loads of rocks too - and need some :D

12 Mar, 2013


So that would be straight after flowering then? because I have a very lanky Mellifera (see pic opposite?) Burncoose. and I was going to cut it down this year, but it has not yet flowered at all, so a good job you told me that......thanks
Oh dear Paul, isn't that typical, we do it all the time lol

12 Mar, 2013


Yes, like you, I kept ruining them. came across the answer recently and thought thank goodness I finally found out how to deal with them. Yes after flowering is finished, cut all the flowering stems down to ground or to just above new sprouts near the base.

12 Mar, 2013


Glad i saw this, i just bought one of these (has a black eye) sorry cant remember name, its in the ghouse, it looks a bit leggy, the guy at the Gc said i could cut it right down or leave it as it is! there arent flowers on so, i will leave it as it is, thanks DD/Karen..

12 Mar, 2013


Hope it improves soon ydd! :)

12 Mar, 2013


I love this one Dd...:>)

12 Mar, 2013


Lovely plant. Nice to have a different colour foliage.

13 Mar, 2013


Thanks both, lasted the winter well considering....

15 Mar, 2013


It's aptly named for sitting in water! Isn't it great to learn so much about plant care from GoY members ... :o)

16 Mar, 2013


And so it

17 Mar, 2013

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