14 4 2013few april flowers 013
By Bjs

14 Apr, 2013
Bold and Bright Erysimum 'Apricot Twist'
Comments on this photo
is this the one you can take cuttings from easily brian? we have just bought a couple of them
14 Apr, 2013
very nice.
14 Apr, 2013
yes they grow easy thats a last years cutting,this var keeps flowering but becomes very untidy,so best new each year for me.
14 Apr, 2013
thanks brian, my older ones definitely look the worse for wear!
14 Apr, 2013
There should be plenty available about now,some of the G C charge a lot for them,any one who can find plants in a 3in to 4in pot for not much money right now will have massive plants in two months ,same goes for Bowles Mauve
14 Apr, 2013
That is a beautiful colour. Does Bowles mauve grow that big Bjs. I thought it was a rockery version. It has had buds on it since January but no sign of them opening yet.
14 Apr, 2013
my bowles mauve grew to over 2 foot high and similar wide!
14 Apr, 2013
Ouch. I might need to move it after it has flowered.
14 Apr, 2013
Yes, I would confirm, BM gets quite large. I love the terracotta shade of this one.
14 Apr, 2013
Thank you both. I might risk moving it now or at least when the weather improves.
14 Apr, 2013
it took 2 or 3 years to do that though....i think, and its definitely past its best now ~ that march snow was not good for it but apparently they dont live very long?
14 Apr, 2013
if you are going to move it do it now
As for flowering it does not stop,probably why its worn out come autumn.
15 Apr, 2013
Thanks Brian ..
I have one called Apricot Delight, similar to this, which is producing flowers now .. seems to have survived the winter well, outside ... :o)
15 Apr, 2013
Thank you Bjs. Its still a howling gale this am but its not as cold and the soil is not frozen as it has been for so long.
15 Apr, 2013
Lovely perennial wallflower. I have the mauve one and take cuttings every year. Cut a piece off about 5 inches, Take of foliage from bottom of cutting and just stick into compost and they take ever so easily.
19 Apr, 2013
they must be one of the easiest of plants to root.
The ordinary wallflower that is grown from seed produce some lovely colours these are also often treated as annuals pulled out to make way for summer things,they could well be worth selecting a few and try rooting, odds on they would root easy as well.
19 Apr, 2013
Tried to root the annual wallflowers last year but no success Bjs.
20 Apr, 2013
Lindak that's interesting,maybe why they normally grow seed.Odd though might google that when I can find time.
20 Apr, 2013
be interesting to find out Bjs. I did them in August.
20 Apr, 2013
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Hi Brian ..I like the colours of these :o)
14 Apr, 2013