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Camellia X williamsii E.T.R. Carlyon

Camellia X williamsii E.T.R. Carlyon

loads of buds have dropped, the poor thing just couldn't sustain them all. I really hope it thrives here as it is really stunning in the shade. Helleborus argutifolius in the foreground.

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a lot of camellia bud drop is sometimes caused by not enough water in september/october the previous year.

24 Apr, 2013


Yes, maybe it wasn't quite pampered in the nursery last year Karen. I'm sure if you keep an eye on the watering this summer it shouldn't be a problem.

24 Apr, 2013


Thank you, I will!

24 Apr, 2013


Thanks J...I really love it! My others are not looking great this spring...little or no buds on them, and my dark red one is looking weather damaged, so this is looking like it might be 'it' for me and camellias this year....there's always next year.

24 Apr, 2013


That's ok though....sometimes I need telling more than once! Seriously though I have found that young Camellias sometimes flower biennially to begin with and then every year as they getting stronger, but often more prolifically every second year. They certainly couldn't have been dry last year....except for that one week in August!

24 Apr, 2013


Beautiful pics today Karen....Everything looking so healthy...:>)

24 Apr, 2013


I do like white camellias and that one looks particularly good with the lighter green of the helleborus.

24 Apr, 2013


The buds on my Camelia are dropping off as well Karen, before they've even opened....shall we "cry" together. I did go out and give it a good drink, felt like one myself when I saw all the buds on the floor lol

25 Apr, 2013


Don't worry Gralew, I think it is only a natural thinning. it used to happen every year on my big pink one, but it was always covered with flowers!

25 Apr, 2013


Thanks Karen, I'll stop crying then!

27 Apr, 2013


Beautiful in White Karen, I have a pink one which like yours Val lost all its buds last year [I blamed it on the frost] this year it is only just pproducing buds so my fingers are crossed;0)

2 May, 2013


Very nice, Karen, it is true they need watering to stop bud fall, I give ours cold tea also.

5 May, 2013


Hardly a single bud on any of mine this year, and I've never had trouble with them before, so definitely blaming the cold summer!

5 May, 2013

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