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Soldanella villosa

Soldanella villosa (Soldanella)

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Jazz hands.

11 May, 2013


It's a bit bigger that the alpine ones Meadowland. Stands about 20cm tall.
I like that description Mouldy :)

11 May, 2013


Very pretty....

11 May, 2013


Or 'Flapper' hats.

12 May, 2013


Your just showing off now Mouldy, quit while your ahead!!

12 May, 2013


Showing off my age. DD. Lol.

12 May, 2013


Scottish I've just bought this and had a google to see who else was growing it on here :-), did it survive the winter ok with you?see it dislikes winter wet, just trying to decide where to plant it its going in the wood somewhere just trying to decide whether to sink it in a pot to bring into dryer conditions in the cold greenhouse in winter or plant it in the ground mmmm.

15 Mar, 2014


It's perfectly hardy and you are right, it does not like winter wet yet it needs moist conditions. Getting the drainage right is important. In nature they flower on the mountains as the snow is melting.
I grow 3 in pots - all survived being outside, nestled between other pots for some protection for the last 3 winters and I am experimenting with one in the ground. It's struggling a wee bit but that could be my fault as I gave it a bit of top dressing of ericaceous compost and it could be making the surface too wet.
They don't like too much sun, I know that from experience.
Providing your wood isn't waterlogged - I don't see why it wouldn't survive.
See what Kevock Gardens says

15 Mar, 2014


Thankyou Scottish thats great to know :-) I'll plant it out then, the wood doesn't get waterlogged no and if its fine for you in Scotland it should do fine here,there is a bit of a hillside too so maybe good on there the soils quite damp but drains well too perfect, thanks for your help :-) I'll look on the kevock garden site too.

16 Mar, 2014

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This photo is of "Soldanella villosa" in Scottish's garden

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