Not saying
By Bjs

4 Jul, 2013
This for me was a first, two Bumble Bees mating on my decking in broad daylight have seen all sorts in some odd places in my lifetime but the first time I have ever seen two bees at it ,they spent best part of half an hour together the female lying still and the male doing all the hard work.(Sounds about right.)
Any way I beat O.K mag to the exclusive
Comments on this photo
I'm sure I'm not the only female that will ignore your last comment Brian :))
Great capture though, I hope you paid well for the exclusive!
4 Jul, 2013
He probably got stung lol.
4 Jul, 2013
Lol. You mucky lot!
He certainly likes big women, that's for sure.
5 Jul, 2013
hmmmm nice Brian.
5 Jul, 2013
Lol! Brilliant photo Brian :o)
5 Jul, 2013
They are happy together at least :O) great picture well done!!!
5 Jul, 2013
I had to look twice, thinking surely there are more than 2 bees there. That female is one big momma!! Great snap, Brian.
5 Jul, 2013
lol Tuesday, my vision isn't too good, I thought it was one strangely shaped bee till i read the caption/.
could you provide nesting opportunities, Bjs? though she's probably already laid by now. But still, they must favour your garden, and will probably the kids will find it if the nest's not too far away.
5 Jul, 2013
Fran I know where they are hundreds of them in a fairly large nesting box further down the garden .I tried taking a picture but it's was all a blur they won't stay still when I tell them to, unlike Jamie they are not
5 Jul, 2013
you ought to put this in a wildlife or nature photo competition, Bjs - if it didn't win a prize I'd eat a kangaroo (roasted, with chips)
5 Jul, 2013
how on earth did you TRAIN a springer spaniel is what I want to know. Our three have minds of their own. lol :O))) talking of bees, I have a bird box and they are swarming in it, got stung this morning, forgot it was there and ouch!!!!! Little b.....s :O) good job I love them in my garden or I would fetch the pest controller out to them. lol the blinking box is by the front door too and near a strawberry patch oh the perils of being a gardener and liking strawberries too. I will survive. lol :O)
6 Jul, 2013
To me that male bee looks more like a gynaecologist during his daily routine work, lol. Sorry, just professional deformation.
Anyway, I think CIA trained bees. You never know, BJS, what you have in the garden of Eden.
6 Jul, 2013
As I understand it (and I'm ready to be corrected) male bees die after mating, at least in the species that the documenatry was about, so the urge must be really strong in them. At least male spiders have a chance to leg it before they become lunch
6 Jul, 2013
Fran had a little read on the subject and apparently most species do die after mating but not Bumble Bees they continue until the weather becomes cold,apparently the the newly fertilized Queen will either oust the old Queen or set up new colony.
Getting a lot of Queens, as Andrew said will have to watch the watershed so read after 10pm
6 Jul, 2013
grins, I have ID that can prove my age!
6 Jul, 2013
Praying mantis eat their partner after mating, wonder what happened to this male?! Get stung to death?!!
8 Jul, 2013
Read my comment above they live to fight another day
8 Jul, 2013
Sorry Bjs, didn't take it all in!!
8 Jul, 2013
Well I never! I enjoyed reading everyone's comments, so glad I'm late on this one! It does rather look like he's looking up her knickers at first I've never seen this either Brian. Nice capture...if a little voyeuristic! :)))
8 Jul, 2013
apparently, if the male mantis'es head isn't removed, he can't mate, his brain inhibits the process. Most bees that die after mating die because a certain part of them is left inside the queen when they fall away; as I understand it, they bleed to death.
ain't nature wonderful!
8 Jul, 2013
8 Jul, 2013
Fran I am not sure we wanted to know that bit.
8 Jul, 2013
tmi? sorry! I did type it after the watershed!
8 Jul, 2013
Die if they sting & die if, well, anyway, not much fun being a bee, is it?
I'll have to reconsider my karmic options. Lol.
9 Jul, 2013
lol so long as you decide on a queen bee, no probs! other than having thousands of children and spending most of yuour life stuck in a hole underground unable to tend to yourself ...
9 Jul, 2013
Think I'll come back as a flower. Lol.
14 Jul, 2013
:-) you'll come back as a field of them!
14 Jul, 2013
Going off at a tangent, we have just returned from a quick visit to Bristol where the local council has sown wild flower meadows where there used to just be undergrowth. Unfortunately did not manage to stop and click because of the volume of traffic but it looked very attractive and must help encourage lots of bee activity back in to the city. Great site this for educating us on all aspects of the world around us.
15 Jul, 2013
Couldn't agree more, Scotsgran!
Strangely, was listening to 'The Flower Duet'...Lakme, as I typed this.
17 Jul, 2013
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Should this be on view before the watershed? :-)
4 Jul, 2013