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Our eldest daughter made this beautiful cake for our garden party, sorry it has all gone, it was delicious.

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That's not a cake, it's a delicious mountain, a real work of art. It's making my mouth water :)

4 Jul, 2013


Can she make another one for MEEEEEEEE please!!

4 Jul, 2013


I'm drooling at the mouth just looking at it!

4 Jul, 2013


Whooooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooo!

4 Jul, 2013


Btw...the mind boggles over how to cut this up!

4 Jul, 2013


Did you just let everyone stick their face right in it? Lol!

4 Jul, 2013


You lucky people looks scrummy......

5 Jul, 2013


oh wow - looks very calorie-lite!!!

5 Jul, 2013


wow so lovely and to pretty to have eaten Angela, hope your day went well :o))

5 Jul, 2013


San it was, thank you, the weather was perfect, the food was perfect (Waitrose Catering) so no washing up lol
Fran I hate to think how many calories it did have, still only once every 50 years!!
Milky I was very pleased with it, was not sure about it, but when we saw it we were really thrilled....
Karen it was quite easy, it was dismantled by layers, best cake our daughter has ever made, she does not make sponges , cupcakes are her thing.
Gee, the brief was a summer cake, I think it fitted the bill perfectly....
Gralew, you could ask lol, but I think this was a one off!!

5 Jul, 2013


What a beautiful Pisa fruit tower! Was there any cream inside? After arrival from spa I am planning to make Pavlova cake. I have a very good recipe and I am looking forward to it (and eat)a as I have lot of raspberries and strawberries now.

6 Jul, 2013


It screams 'summer', DD2, and 'eat me' just as loudly :)
I've added it to my favs in case I am ever asked to provide anything this exciting.

6 Jul, 2013


Now that's what I call a cake:-))

6 Jul, 2013


Kat there was fresh double whipped cream between layers with jam and kirsch.........I love Pavlova my second favourite cake for summer parties.....
Gee I think the making was the easy part, the assembling was the tricky bit, it had plastic straws inserted between the layers, to stop it collapsing!!
Thanks BA and HB........

8 Jul, 2013


Oh MY !! that is what you call a real cake , you lucky people :o))

12 Jul, 2013


Amy it was a lovely surprise.....and very tasty...

12 Jul, 2013

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