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One pot that came good, a lot of my other decorative attempts failed miserably. Think I'll put a blog on of my failures :-))

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This is lovely Ba...:>)

18 Aug, 2013


Thanks Mot, I'm going to try to take them in for the winter as pot plants:-))

18 Aug, 2013


They do make a good show with such amazing foliage :o)

18 Aug, 2013


They will be fine potting them up,Ba..and re your question earlier,I potted mine up in compost,not water..although they seem to root easily either way..nip any flowers off as they appear too..a shame I know,but it's the foliage you want to keep on growing strongly..

18 Aug, 2013


What a fab colour! Love it, Ba. :-))

18 Aug, 2013


a beautiful colour! and dont worry too much about the other failings...we all have those!

19 Aug, 2013


Thanks Amy, I've fallen in love with coleus all over again:-)

19 Aug, 2013


Bloomer me old mucker, I may have a house full:-)))

19 Aug, 2013


Thanks Spritz, I think one is red velvet and one may be flamingo, I bought 6 altogether I think all different:-)

19 Aug, 2013


Thanks Summer, I bet you don't have as many failures as I do:-))

19 Aug, 2013


I can't think of a nicer house full,Ba,They will be cheery come the winter ! :o) Sorry for mentioning that last word !:o(

19 Aug, 2013


That looks very nice B/A, looking forward to your blog.

19 Aug, 2013


I should think so Bloomer W****r has been banned this year:-)

19 Aug, 2013


Thanks John, I'll get round to doing it soon:-))

19 Aug, 2013


Just checked C.Red Velvet and Bronze Pagoda methinks, not as above:-)

19 Aug, 2013


Lovely plant and wonderful colour too.

I bought 3 last year but they didn't last long :-(

19 Aug, 2013


What happened to them?:-)

19 Aug, 2013


They were eaten - probably slugs as it was such a wet, strange summer.

19 Aug, 2013


Glorious Ba......may need to get some seeds....

20 Aug, 2013


Hi Chris and Pam \0/ I bought small plants from Dibleys online, didn't trust seeds, but still lost one, not had much of a problem with slugs though this year far:-))

20 Aug, 2013


You could try taking cuttings, it seems to be reasonably easy.

21 Aug, 2013


Yes Barbara, I think I may end up with a houseful! I do love these colours though:-)

21 Aug, 2013


Me too. :-))

22 Aug, 2013


I tried growing 3 in a pot but only two survived and they really look pathetic. Your Coleus look great.

24 Aug, 2013


Thanks, I'm really pleased with them, I wonder what went wrong with yours?:-)

24 Aug, 2013


No idea BA. I grew some from seed one year when we lived down the road and the coleus came up in many variations of colour. I planted them in the flowerbeds.

25 Aug, 2013


There are so many new enemies around this year, I've had terrible trouble with sawfly larvae...yuk. The worst problem I have is capsid bug though and it doesn't seem to have natural predators. When they suck the sap, they inject poison too which distorts the leaves and flowers. My poor Rozanne geraniums and Ann Folkard are the worse affected:-(

25 Aug, 2013


Oooh - nasty! :-(((

27 Aug, 2013


Thanks for the sympathy Barbara, any remedies? I've decided to dig up the geraniums, pot them up and over winter them in a cold frame (which is on its way) and spray with systemic insecticide, then it can't harm any birds or bees etc. May make a difference, can't think of anything else. at least with the evil sayfly larvae, I can remove any leaves with them on and dipose of them:-)

27 Aug, 2013


Have you looked at the RHS site, Ba? They are very good at remedies for nasties.

28 Aug, 2013


Yes and I asked a team last year at Gardeners World Live ...only poison:-( On a lighter note, my cold frame came today ...I screwed the back panel (already hinged)on the wrong way and the screws are impossible to get out as the metal is soft and the cross on the head turns into a hole. I'll just have to balance the top on maybe weigh it down lol:-))

28 Aug, 2013


Only you could do that Ba, you know what they say - read instructions at least twice.

31 Aug, 2013


Now Phyl in my defence, the instructions were just a few pics, no words and the hinges were not shown at all. I could buy a set of hinges and put them in the right place, but it is quite a flimsy thing and probably just as well as it is:-))

1 Sep, 2013

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