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Aeonium Arboreum Schwarzkopf


By Amy

Aeonium Arboreum   Schwarzkopf

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Love these Amy and the little one you gave me, nearly died over winter, but I snipped the dead floret off and it sprouted again, this summer has suited them hasn't it....:))

3 Sep, 2013


Lovely aren't they,Amy? I only ever bought one of these,but I obviously didn't look after it properly,so it soon died..Pity there was no Goy,then,as it might have stood a chance:o)

3 Sep, 2013


I'm glad it survived Janey ,they are funny things to keep through the winter I brought some indoors one year but they didn't like that ! to warm I think ,last year we put them in a big box in the greenhouse with some of that styrofoam stuff round the edges that did the trick , try another one Sandra don't leave it outside in the winter !

3 Sep, 2013


That's Tenerife in a pot! :)) lovely!

3 Sep, 2013


:o)) Thanks Karen !

3 Sep, 2013


Love these too....Must give them a try...:>)

3 Sep, 2013


I bought a large one for my birthday this year Amy, do you think it would be best in my conservatory which can get very cold on a winters night? I could box it in there when the temperatures are going to really dip.

4 Sep, 2013


That sounds a good idea Annella the best of both worlds ,mine didn't like being brought into the warm house the one in the boxes in the greenhouse did better , BTW if you break off one of those flowerettes dip it in a growing medium pot it up they 'take 'quite easily to increase your stock :o)

4 Sep, 2013


I potted one that broke off on the way home from the garden centre but my mum claimed it on her last visit Lol. I will plant a couple more at the weekend. How often do you water yours overwinter?

4 Sep, 2013


Your mums got the right idea Lol ... once they are tucked up we don't water them Annella , I'm worried now if yours don't survive I will get the blame :o( perhaps you should get some other peoples ideas as well to let me off the hook ... ☺

4 Sep, 2013


Lol Amy, don't worry. When do you start watering them again?

6 Sep, 2013


When the weather warms up in the spring Annella , don't water if you think it's going to freeze the water will freeze round the roots ,you could give them a little misty spray before then to refresh them ...

6 Sep, 2013


Thank you :o))

6 Sep, 2013

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