Cyclamen Cilicium Album
By Bjs

25 Sep, 2013
Another of my babies ,will grow outside but better seen up close.
Comments on this photo
What a little beauty that one is BJS I havent any white ones but after seeing this one will be on the look out ;0)
25 Sep, 2013
So beautiful Brian thank you for the pleasure.
I am slowing building up my patch .
How long do you keep the babies growing in greenhouse for?
30 Sep, 2013
I always germinate them outside I think the seed dries out too much under glass and then normally have them under cover for the first winter.
30 Sep, 2013
Beautiful, how old are those Brian? I hope the seeds you gave me last year will grow as well as these! Some are just showing this year.
1 Oct, 2013
That corm is fairly large probably 4 years +
The seedlings start to flower 2 years onward.
I have a few seed sown mid 2011 with one flower on each.
1 Oct, 2013
The seeds you sent me BJS still no sign of germination.
Must take some time to germinate.
1 Oct, 2013
When did I send them? if you talk to them daily minimum 6 months longer if you don't talk to them.
Try it you might be surprised in the next few weeks
1 Oct, 2013
1 Oct, 2013
I was being rather flippant they do take anything from three to twelve months depending on time of year sown and the conditions and temperature they are placed in.
1 Oct, 2013
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That is a smasher Bjs. It is so delicate. The labels on mine have all faded into oblivion and I dk which is which any more. I am trying to decide by carefully plotting their flowering times and leaves as well as the petal shape and colour. I did not print off the sheets I made up of what I planted where, and dear knows where I filed them. I must try and be more careful. In the meantime I am enjoying them as they pop up from under the leaves of other plants.
25 Sep, 2013