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Praying Mantis

Praying Mantis

I love the way their eyes follow you around when you're watching them. At one point I got too close and it jumped on my camera lens.

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lovley pic! never seen one except in photos or nature documentaries. do you get may of them?

6 Oct, 2013


me too...awesome creature...

6 Oct, 2013


what gets me about them is that their eyes move independently, they can look in opposite directions at the same time - or am I thinking of chameleons??

6 Oct, 2013


At the first sight I read "praying mantras", lol.

6 Oct, 2013


Yeah I see several of them a year. They kill A LOT of bugs, they are crazy good predators. Usually they are all brown or all green, I had never seen a green and brown one before. Their eyes do not move independently but they can turn their head almost full circle it seems like.

6 Oct, 2013


ah, right. remember now, seeing a pic of a mantis head on - great big eyes in trangular wedge-shaped head. Very efficient predators and luckily for gardeners, they prey on what are pests to us. Never really thought about their olours before: when seeing slow-mo film of htem in action, wasn't the first thing to catch my attention! but maybe a new blend, to meet new hunting territory?

7 Oct, 2013


They are very efficient predators but they don't discriminate from bad and good bugs unfortunately. I have seen them eating ladybugs, bees, katydids, cicadas, grasshoppers, locusts and each other. They would probably eat birds if they could catch them haha. Overall I think I see them killing more bad bugs than good ones but they do eat a lot of bees in my yard.

7 Oct, 2013


ouch. well, i suppose to them anything that comes wihtin range counts as "food" - maybe if an area is overrun with what we'd call pests, they'd do a good job.

7 Oct, 2013

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