By Steragram
- 1 Jan, 2014
Comments on this photo
I love that fluffy bundle .
Got it made , hasn't he ?
2 Jan, 2014
adorable :-)
2 Jan, 2014
3 Jan, 2014
Yes, but in addition she's bossy, self willed and always hungry! But she did catch the moles that were stirring up a flower bed.
Thank you for your comments and Likes folks!
3 Jan, 2014
It must be a myth then that all gingers are male , we used to have a fluffy tom .
Have you seen the Simon's Cat cartoons on YouTube , Stera ?
I think that it might have been mentioned on here last year .
3 Jan, 2014
Oh yes, I love them. The vet's waiting room sometimes has them running on a loop on a screen in the corner. Our favourite is the cat trying to wake Simon up in the morning.
And Ro is very definitely female!
3 Jan, 2014
She's gorgeous .......
4 Jan, 2014
I had to work out where her head was for a moment. She's lovely and what a coat....does she have a brush? Our Dusty loves a brush, you only have to say the word and she's there ready.
6 Jan, 2014
Yes she does love being brushed. She has her own ideas of where she wants it too, and will grab the brush and move it to the side of her neck, the favourite place.
6 Jan, 2014
Dusty is a wriggler and won't keep still when being brushed and if I put the brush down she will groom her own face. They are funny little things aren't they.
7 Jan, 2014
Ro's the same - Ro stands for Rowan but it might just as well be Rolypoly! It makes the job more difficult!
7 Jan, 2014
yes i thought your cat looked like the wild cat in my blog when i first saw this :-) plus your cat looks like a cat i had too.
8 Jan, 2014
They are remarkably similar aren't they?
8 Jan, 2014
very much so :-) perhaps this breed is ?
8 Jan, 2014
I think the breed is Moggy!
8 Jan, 2014
okie dokie ;-)
8 Jan, 2014
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:-) lovely colour and fur!
2 Jan, 2014