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Petasites Japonicus

Petasites Japonicus

On the edge of the brook.

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I love these Dawn I was just admiring them at Hodsock Priory last week.

6 Mar, 2014


I saw these two years ago on a verge and was fascinated...I couldn't find them in any of my wildflower books. When I saw them on here I was really chuffed to find out shat they were. Lovely aren't they...very wild looking!

6 Mar, 2014


Hi Kathy, Hi Karen, yes they are native to us and wild, lol. You can't find them readily available to buy. No idea where they came from but been on our brook banks as long as I can remember. Invasive. The leaves appear in late spring after the flowers and they are huge. I have the green leaved one and the variegated, the green leaved one has pink flowers and these are the flowers of the variegated.

You are both welcome to a root, be warned, they spread by rhizomes, along way and they like the damp ground :-)

6 Mar, 2014


Erm...thanks, but no thanks...leave them in the wild places!

6 Mar, 2014


Haha, no worries, they are happy here Karen, lots of wild areas. Heigh ho. It's nice sometimes having lots of spaces to fill as you can let things like this go mad like this, along with the bamboo.

6 Mar, 2014


You are a lucky lady! :))

6 Mar, 2014


Thanks Karen. But ermm, today I've been squelching along, cold and wet, pruning blackberries, blackcurrants, gooseberries, digging up buttercups and then 250kg of coal was delivered, ready for next winter to help the wood, 10 bags, barrowed that, but yes, I feel lucky but sad I have to go to work all day tomorrow, lol. Wouldnt change my life and garden though.

6 Mar, 2014


Yes, I'd be sad if I had to go to work tomorrow too, :))

6 Mar, 2014


Thanks for the offer Dawn but don't think I have anywhere for them either assuming they like damp spots,my boggy pond areas full :-(, can't believe I'm refusing plants lol, I'll just admire them in your pictures instead.

7 Mar, 2014


I can see your brook running Dawn lucky you being able to have true unusual wild flowers growing beside it :o)

7 Mar, 2014


very nice.

7 Mar, 2014


Yes Kathy, they like it damp, almost marginals.
Hello Amy, sometimes you take things like this for granted as always been there, I do love the brook.

7 Mar, 2014


they are beautiful and sad you have to go to work. I don't its the weekend !!! :o)

7 Mar, 2014


Stunning, never seen them before, would they survive in a boggy garden do you thing , or do they have to be next to a pond.

7 Mar, 2014


Enjoy your weekend off Seaburn.
Hmmm Thrupenny, they like it damp but not really a marginal, so not sure about boggy.

8 Mar, 2014


Thank you Dawn hows your yellow clematis Tangutica getting on in your woodland.

8 Mar, 2014


We were given some of this plant from a neighbour ten years ago, because we did not keep it wet it never ran away, it is still somewhere in the garden, will be a surprise when it pops its head up !!

18 Mar, 2014


It will be good to see DD

19 Mar, 2014

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