Burkwood Daphnes in September
By Rkwright

6 Mar, 2014
Comments on this photo
All three of the larger Daphnes are variegated but it does not show up as well on the other two in the picture. It's unbelievable to me that 'Gold Dust' is that much brighter than Carol Mackie! The real small one in front of 'Gold Dust' is Daphne x whiteorum 'Kilmeston' and is a beautiful little Daphne. For such a small plant, it sure does flower a lot!
8 Mar, 2014
Thank you for the names of them , funny how small plants can flower more so than larger plants.
8 Mar, 2014
The burkwood Daphnes flower heavier in Spring and will flower on and off through Summer, sometimes they will have quite a few flowers towards Fall and sometimes not. Daphnes in general flower quite a bit, for the most part the smaller ones do seem to flower more frequently but there are a couple larger ones that will flower just as often. Daphne x transatlantica 'Jim's Pride' or 'Eternal Fragrance' flower heavily from Spring to Fall and Daphne 'Rosy Wave' is supposed to as well (mine has not though).
13 Mar, 2014
Perhaps its waiting for the right weather.
13 Mar, 2014
I think the biggest problem 'Rosy Wave' has had is my interference! I have taken quite a few cuttings from it because it is not an easy Daphne to find here. I also fertilized it late in the season in 2012 and some of the new growth didn't harden off in time for winter causing some of the stems to die back. Good news is that it has plenty of flower buds set for Spring. Unfortunately, I have been checking on plants that aren't still buried in snow and a lot of them have broken under the weight of snow and ice. The Daphnes I have seen so far are in rough shape, hopefully the smaller ones fare better than the larger ones.
14 Mar, 2014
Thats great lot s of flowers to come, just hope you don't get too much damage from the snow.
15 Mar, 2014
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Pretty love the varigated one and the one in front of it gorgeous colour
7 Mar, 2014