Crocus Pickwick twins
By Franl155

11 Mar, 2014
didn't know they had mroe than one flower per plant
Comments on this photo
thanks, Lincs. If i wasn't kneeling down and hunching over, i was lying flat on the ground!
26 Mar, 2014
He! He! I used to get in all sorts of positions to get the photo I wanted much to the amusement of people passing by, only thing is if I get down low now I find it awkward to get back up these days, no fun getting older :0) LOL, I now have a tripod that goes down low & my Nikon Camera has a swivel view finder so it does all the low pics for me now LOL.
Keep the good pictures coming. Jackie :o)
29 Mar, 2014
sorry! just noticed I mis-named you before- that's not courteus, I'm so sorry!! *bits self over the head with a brick* (I'm usually very hot on getting names right, beacuse I hate mine being abused)
I can get down in stages, but coming up takes a lot more stages! but I really wanted to get as close as I could without blurring the pic - i could do with a camera on a stick, sort of like a metal detector with the screen up close to my eyes!
29 Mar, 2014
Fran. LOL Don't worry about getting my name wrong, at least it wasn't a nasty name LOL. I'm a student at a college near where I live, I't a class called Digital Photography Workshop, I needed tuition on how to use my Nikon D5100, glad to say I have learnt quite a bit as being 65 I'm a bit on the slow side to learn LOL
Have a Nice Weekend
Jackie :0)
29 Mar, 2014
thanks, Jackie
I'd love to hae a "proper" camera, but I'd need to start with an entry-level, idiot-proof one. My bro used to develop his own b/w pics, trying this lens and that, looked awfully complicated.
But if I can just learn to hold the camera steady while pressing the button, so that the movement doesn't jerk the camera and blur the pic, I'd settle for that for now! (been looking for a plug-in shutter release cord and button - set the camera up, retreat, then press the button, can't jerk the camera that way! but hardly useful for taking pics on the fly)
29 Mar, 2014
Pictures by franl155
264 of 693
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This photo is of "Crocus "Pickwick"" in Franl155's garden
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Nice Picture of Crocus, well taken too :o))
26 Mar, 2014