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Tulipa (Rembrandt) San Marino they are late flowers and stand over 30" tall and look at the flower head it is 5"


By Drc726

Tulipa (Rembrandt) San Marino they are late flowers and stand over 30" tall and look at the flower head it is 5"  (Tulipa San Marino)

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WOW! It's worth waiting for...! ;o) Were you late planting them Denise, or are they always this late in the season?

14 May, 2014


WOW from me too. Very special.

14 May, 2014


Wow lovely colouring too......

14 May, 2014


I planted theses over 5 years ago and leave them in the ground Petaltracey and they have always reached over 30" but this year the flowers were huge.

14 May, 2014


Another WOW from me then!

14 May, 2014


Ha ha thanks PT

14 May, 2014


Good grief! They are amazing. Do you feed them with anything?

15 May, 2014


Each year after flowering I give them a feed as I do with all my tulips Waddy.

15 May, 2014


Drc, I wondered if you fed them spinach.... Like "Olives Oils sailorman", lol. They are tremendous, do you use a particular feed for tulips or just a general type feed?

15 May, 2014


Hi Alan I use a liquid feed such as Miracle grow after flowering and because they are in heavy clay I also throw Epsom salts on the ground spring and autumn. I dont think they are particularly well fed. So I wonder if its because they are undisturbed and not digging them up does not check them?

15 May, 2014


Thank you.

15 May, 2014



15 May, 2014


Thanks Junna

16 May, 2014


I've used Miracle Grow myself, Drc' but I've not heard of using Epsom Salts before. What are the benefits please?

16 May, 2014


HI Waddy I use Epsom salts to replace magnesium which can either be low soil levels or as I find its difficult for plants to get at in soils such as heavy clay.
Plants deficient in magnesium can be stressed and less able to take up nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen.
EP has been used for well over 100 years by gardeners. I have used it for over thirty years now and I see it benefits in plants such as roses and clematis and older shrubs..
It is highly soluble so unlike some fertilizers which can build up in the soil Epsom salts does'nt so you cannot overdose.
I scatter a dry handful around each plant twice a year and hoe in, if it does not rain in 2-3 days then I would water it in.

16 May, 2014


My grandmother was a great believer in using Epsom Salts. I never have, but perhaps I should start. these tulips are magnificent!

16 May, 2014


Thanks Melchisedec

16 May, 2014


Thank you Drc' I shall have to give it a try this autumn and next spring.

18 May, 2014


I think its worth a try Waddy

18 May, 2014


King Kong of the Tulip world, that's amazing.

20 May, 2014


Thanks Treetop

20 May, 2014


I used to listen to an elderly gentleman/gardener, who had a gardening phone in on Sundays ~ Radio Kent. He always recommended using epsom salts especially on clematis...! I've never tried it, but seeing your tulips Denise, I think it's worth a go! ;o)

21 May, 2014


It certainly works on my Clematis Petaltracey which was very sickly with brown leaves and since giving it EP twice a year it has thrived and I showed photos of the results on here a couple of years ago.

21 May, 2014



22 May, 2014

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