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Digitalis, Phlomis and chocolate dianthus

Digitalis, Phlomis and chocolate dianthus

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very much the same kind of plants i have in my garden....yours look wonderful how you have them in your flowerbeds.

2 Jun, 2014


Lovely combination Tb.

2 Jun, 2014


Great combo!

2 Jun, 2014


Thank you, Marybells, Alan and Angie.

2 Jun, 2014


Love all the different shapes to the leaves and you've just reminded me to go and have a look where I planted a chocolate cosmos last year....I don't remember seeing it, although everything has grown like a jungle in that space.......

8 Jun, 2014


Thanks Linda. I have some very 'jungly' bits in the garden too!

8 Jun, 2014


I can't see my cosmos anywhere so perhaps it didn't survive.

10 Jun, 2014


Oh, that's a shame, Linda. Mine's going in a pot this year so that I can move it for the Winter.

10 Jun, 2014


I had a cosmos that did very well in a south facing flowerbed in the garden of our home before we lived further up the hill. But it's always a bit colder up here so perhaps a cosmos in a pot would be a good idea for me too T.Bear. I could place it in the greenhouse for the winter.

11 Jun, 2014


You then have the option of hiding the pot in amongst the rest of your planting and being able to move it about. I've done that with a coreopsis this year, as it's so vibrant and will carry on throughout the Summer, hopefully. It will wander about my garden as different areas fade and cry out for a colour boost.

11 Jun, 2014

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