Goldfinch on the Cornflowers.
By Alanb

21 Jun, 2014
The goldfinches haven't touched the nyjer seed, but seem to like the cornflower seed heads. The cornflowers are just to the right of the honeysuckle arch.
Comments on this photo
Lovely pic,Alan..we only saw our Goldfinches a couple of times,early on in the year,and not since..Lots of Magpies who seemed to have ousted them out of their regular tree.Almost a full bag of Nijer seeds in the others seem to want them.:o(
21 Jun, 2014
Thanks Paul.
Thanks Sandra, you had an early start today. :~o
Oh .... a third woodpecker chick has been seen in the garden, over the past day or two. It seems to be managing OK, but parents don't help it. It doesn't seem to fly particularly well, but gets by OK. Sometimes feeds off the ground, which the other two didn't.
21 Jun, 2014
Nice pic.... love seeing the goldfinches...
21 Jun, 2014
Lovely, I saw one of these yesterday in our garden :)
21 Jun, 2014
Thanks for commenting, Holly and Daylily. We do have some pretty birds in the UK, at summertime.
21 Jun, 2014
Lovely picture Alan , they are such pretty little birds, I havent seen any in our garden this year though;0(
21 Jun, 2014
Thank you, Carole. Sorry you haven't had the pleasure of their company, but there is still time.
21 Jun, 2014
Hope so Alan I do look forward to seeing the birds each summer;0)
21 Jun, 2014
Great shot Alan - I read (somewhere) they love the seeds from plants that have thistle shape flowers, have just checked Wikipedia and these are indeed from the same family.
Was thinking about your woodpeckers yesterday tea-time - a male popped wood pecker down onto our feeders, didn't feed though and flew away. I hope he liked what he found and brings the family back at some point.
21 Jun, 2014
Lovely little birds - a pair are coming in daily to feed on the Sunflower hearts - :o)
21 Jun, 2014
We have goldfinches here too, but they look nothing like this!
21 Jun, 2014
Carole .... Fingers crossed.
Angie ...... Just think, your next blog maybe of the McWoodpecker clan..... lol. Hope they do come back.
You are lucky Shirley_t, I don't know whether the budget will go to sunflower seeds as well ... lol. Currently getting through a large bag of peanuts, and 18 fat balls each week, not to mention 2 coconuts as well.
Paul, would you have any photos of a New York goldfinch that you could post please? I for one would be very interested to see the difference.
22 Jun, 2014
Alan, check out my latest uploads, I posted an American Goldfinche just for you. :)
22 Jun, 2014
Thanks Paul, I'll check it now.
22 Jun, 2014
Good photo Alan. On rare occasions we get goldfinches in the garden, but they tend to stay in the fields just a few hundred yards away. They tend to like the thistle seeds.
25 Jun, 2014
Thank you Lindak.
26 Jun, 2014
I always found that my Goldfinches preferred sunflower hearts to Nyger seed Alan. I had a flock of the at the old place. once I reckoned about 70 in the garden at once. I miss them here, but we do have some lovely birds visiting from time to time. Mostly we have a big flock of sparrows. They make a terrible mess, but I have no slug and snail problems, so not complaining......too much....!
31 Jul, 2014
Wendy and I are pleased when we see two or three at a time, so seventy goldfinches in your garden, at once, must have been most spectacular.
31 Jul, 2014
It was Alan. the following year there weren't nearly as many, only about 30. It was a shame because I actually felt disappointed! Lol...disappointed that only about 30 goldfinches came to the garden at once! I have no idea why there were so many...never seen that before, or since. That really cold year we had Waxwings. Have you ever seen them? They have an incredible's unlike anything I've ever heard...almost electrical sounds. They are amazing, but I don't enjoy the cold weather that brings them down from Scandinavia! I suppose seeing waxwings is a bit of a compensation though!
31 Jul, 2014
Karen, I have never seen waxwings. I'll take a look on the internet/bird books and see what to look out for.
31 Jul, 2014
You'll hear them before you see them, but it has to be really cold.
1 Aug, 2014
Lovely looking birds!
1 Aug, 2014
:) very!
1 Aug, 2014
Pictures by alanb
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This photo is of "Rhodedendron and Honeysuckle Arch" in Alanb's garden
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He's a handsome bird there Alan. Nice picture
21 Jun, 2014