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Another photo of my new Brazilian gunnera

Another photo of my new Brazilian gunnera

You would think it was my child . So many pictures of it. And I bought another one yesterday. A smaller one. Chilean.

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It couldn't have gone to a better home :o))

24 Jun, 2014


Thank you Amy, seems like it likes it there. But too soon to tell. Just found out, that my "dead" gunnera has tiny leaves coming out. That is a good news. Now I will have a " Gunnera alley". I name parts of the property for easy orientation. This path does not have a name yet :-)

24 Jun, 2014


I know just how you feel - every spring I look under the pile of straw which I cover mine with and hope they have made it through the winter.

24 Jun, 2014


Kpf, we did not cover it and it survived for 10 years. We are going south every winter for 5 months and it got unusually colder this winter (here on the Island). It was just my ignorance about these plants. When I did not see it in April a was shocked. I have not realized how much I love the plant...for its uniqueness.
I will cover with straw as you do next winter.

24 Jun, 2014


Looks nice & healthy, not a single blemish on the leaves.

26 Jun, 2014


Thank you Feverfew. So far so good.

27 Jun, 2014


Its coming along well. :))

29 Jun, 2014


Thank you Holly. I've noticed that some life is coming out of my old "dead" one. Tiny leaves but healthy.

29 Jun, 2014


It very beautiful! Is it hardy there? Especially since being from Brazil.

30 Jun, 2014


I do not know Delonix, I had the Chilean(G. tinctoria) for 10 years and never protected it...until I heard that I should have. It seemed to freeze this year. But I do see a little bit of life coming out now. It was very well established plant. The Brazilian gunnera is said to be OK from zone 7-9. Chilean rhubarb is smaller but apparently more invasive in certain places.

30 Jun, 2014


Thats good ive taken a piece of mine and put in the ground it seems to be growing ok..

30 Jun, 2014


That is a good news Holly. Maybe I will be able to do that too with my gunnera in the future.

30 Jun, 2014


Yes hopefully you can.... :))

1 Jul, 2014

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