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fuchsia gartenmeister

fuchsia gartenmeister (Gartenmeister Bonstedt)

An upright fuchsia, I'm really enjoying and plan to over winter and develop into a shrub. (really needs a new pot). lol

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I can see what you mean about the Thalia I have in my pictures looking very much like this one - I guess it could be of the same family. Perhaps someone with more knowledge can tell us if it is. I have never heard of gartenmeister before

1 Sep, 2008


Really like these Fuchsias!

Last year I bought 5 plants of Thalia & had one in the middle of each of my hanging baskets!

Gartenmeister can easily be confused with Thalia. I don't know if I could distinguish between them without having them side by side!

20 Jan, 2010


Thanks. I think so too. Very similar. I brought my gartenmeister in this winter and it is still blooming today, though not all over. Another month and I can start watering heavy and giving some shaping trims for next year. Looks like I'll be starting from the size of fall last year. These tryphyla fuschias can tolerate house condition better than the others, liking more heat and dry, winters well with good light. I know your probably filled up for now. :-)

23 Jan, 2010


I hope mine will survive the hard winter we are having! I haven't looked at my baskets since I cut them back, on returning from Spain, as I haven't been very well myself. My wife is also poorly & has been off work for over a week & probably won't go back for another week.

I will have to try growing them indoors during the winter.

23 Jan, 2010


I hope they are all doing okay. At least up out of the snow that came through they will just be more dormant without risk of getting swamped. I hope you are both feeling better soon.

23 Jan, 2010


Thanks GT! We went to the hospital yesterday where she saw the ear, nose & throat specialist. She had the wax removed from her right ear & then the doctor said she had a boil inside her left ear & it was that which was giving her such pain. She lanced it & removed the puss & then cauterized it & filled her ear with an ointment. She still can't hear properly but she doesn't need to take painkillers today. The doctor told her she should be able to hear properly in a short time.

I haven't been out to check on my Fuchsias but I did have to close the plastic around the greenhouse as we were forecast frost. Tomorrow we can expect the weather to turn colder again for a few days. Snow is forecast foe some parts of the country but I don't think we will be getting any here.

27 Jan, 2010


I hope the cold goes quickly. There are definately hints of spring over there. :-)

28 Jan, 2010


No hints of spring over here! Except that my Gloxinias have just begun to make a tiny bit of growth at soil level& the pot of 3 Amaryllis has a few bulblets that have sprouted into growth, but the plants are indoors!

I was on the balcony for a little while on Friday, watering most of the pots as many were extremely dry. I had been leaving them during the extremely cold weather but when we were forecast a few days with a little sunshine I decided it wouldn't hurt to water them a little.

We have had frost the last 3 or 4 nights but it seems that nest week we can expect a little warmer weather without frosts.

31 Jan, 2010


I saw the ongoing frosts still even today, but I'm seeing snowdrops and sprouting bulbs too. Stil early signs, but signs just the same. :-)

1 Feb, 2010


I've also seen Snowdrops in flower as well as bulbs beginning to sprout. In my balcony I noticed a couple of weeks ago that at least one Hyacinth from previous years is pushing up through the soil in one of my planters fastened to the railings of my balcony. :-)

The mini-daffs, underplanted in one of the standard Fuchsia pots, are also coming up. I don't have any normal size Daffs as I planted them all in the Red Cross Centre gardens at least 4 or 5 years ago. I was a volunteer gardener for the Red Cross & I planted lots of bulbs in the gardens there after they had finished flowering on my balcony. I had no place to keep them while the foliage died down as I needed to use the planters for my summer plants.

The bulbs still come up year after year as you would expect. I stopped working there at least 4 or 5 years ago as I was having problems getting down there after our daughter left to live with her partner. We had no-one to stay at home with the dogs while my wife or I were at work. At the time I was working evening & nights alternate weeks.

6 Feb, 2010


Lovely to give all those bulbs to the Red Cross Balcony. I miss all the spring bulbs, just get to watch from afar. I forced some last spring and they were wonderful, but I got hayfever indoors for a few months, that was not wonderful. lol. I'll stick to testing them out in the garden. Those that come back will quickly become real treasures. I understand about space constraints.

Just picked up a grape vine, about to try fruit garden indoors nder my lamp. :-)

6 Feb, 2010


Lots of bulbs sticking their noses through the soil around here - but if they knew about the cold that's coming our way this week they'd probably take cover again!!! :-D

I'd be very interested in how you get on with your vine, do keep us updated!

9 Feb, 2010


I keep hearing about that cold. Hope it isn't too bad. I'll keep you posted. Last years grape didn't last long at all, but not from a good source. This will be much better.

9 Feb, 2010

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This photo is of species Gartenmeister Bonstedt.

This photo is of "Fuschia" in Greenthumb's garden

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