bottle-top planter
By Franl155

9 Aug, 2014
I've been cutting plastic milk bottles in half, using the lower ends for small-clothes storage, but I couldn't think of any use for the tops, so I've been throwing them away. Brainstorm: the handles could be threaded on to a pole and put up as mini-planters, rack on rack of them. Not got anywhere to hang them yet, but they might do as milk-crate mini-planters?
Comments on this photo
oh, brilliant, Linda! never thought of that - have a gold medal!!!!
the minute I read your idea, I had a mental picture of an inverted wheelie bin festooned with tier upon tier of mini-planters - it'd have to be inverted cos of the tapering shape, tough it'd be nice to still have wheels on it to move it around!
10 Aug, 2014
You'd have to use wire around something as big as a dustbin because of the weight of the little planters Fran. But I could see what you mean it would look special. We have a little trolley that we move our heavy pots with.
11 Aug, 2014
I could do with one of those! if the pot was on chocks, to get the blades of the trolley under, fork-lift style. This is why I'm limited to pots and tubs that are more or less liftable (by me).
Yes, rope wouldn't do for that much weight, it'd give slightly and they'd sag. What I'd originaly thought of, before trying the crate, was to put a pole through the handles and suspend them between two hooks in the wall. Was trying this out, but didn't have two available hooks, then spotted the milk crate!
I do'nt know how this would work on a wheelie in or dustbin! lol woudl'nt think it'd be easy to add complete rows of plants to one side withjout risk of it falling over! unless the top (inverted bottom) was cut off and the space filled with rubble - and something could be planted right on top
not very portable, though!
11 Aug, 2014
I will watch with interest what you end up doing with these :)
11 Aug, 2014
lol just don't hold your breath in the meantime, this is one of abotu a zillion "bright ideas" that may end up going nowhere!
11 Aug, 2014
I'm sure you will manage to make a planter of some sort Fran and it will look great.
12 Aug, 2014
Amazing how much plasticy stuff gathers in a short time these days Fran. I too cling onto things thinking this will come in for some use or other. We have orange bags to put recyclable plastics into and paper, containers, tins etc. 2 slot bins down the road for same sort of stuff and I use them as well, every time I walk by. Mostly glass items as the council don't take glass away.
12 Aug, 2014
we have two wheelie bins, rubbish and garden rubbish, and three boxes: glass, tin, paper, but "no cardboard"l - thick carboard boxes i can understand, but that apprently includes cereal boxes, tea-bag boxes, etc - all "cardboard" which has to go in the rubbish.
I don't use the boxes much - few glass jars one time, I'm saving them up to save putting out a box with just one jar in it! I get two free newspaers every week, none of which I can read, but am saving those for putting on the floor when it's been washed, cleaning windows (crumpled newspaper and vinegar water) and future papier-mache projects - I've been trying paper weaving, but hit probs, grr!)
Mind you, that's partly because I'm not eating regularly, or at least cooking meals regularly - last collection day I had only three carrier bags of rubbish, from emptying the bins in each room!
Most of my rubbish is plastic - milkl bottles, litle trya you buy meat in, cake and hun trays, with little shapes. Saving those for "come in handy for crafting" - that comes of being a Cub Leader for 18 years, everything comes in handy for kids' crafts!
What i'm lacking is room to work - got a tiny space in one shed, but no light so can't see what I'm doing; got a table outside but that needs to be moved inside the shed after a session, to keep it dry.
Oh, I've got so many plans! just need to extract digit and get myself some space to start wroking on them.
13 Aug, 2014
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If you strung the handles together in a circle and if you placed them around the top of a large flowerpot, you'd have a circular planter.
10 Aug, 2014