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Strange plant in the greenhouse :-)


By Simbad

Strange plant in the greenhouse :-)

Now this little fella doesn't actually live here his owners just moved in over the road but after finding him on the greenhouse shelving several times, he's already got me twisted round his little finger to the extent he's now got a bed in there!!,very friendly chap follows me round the garden like a dog, he has tried to get in the house too but that won't be happening Symbas already seen him off.

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You're a softie! Does it mean that now he thinks this is his home, he won't poop in your garden. We 3 cat less neighbours in a row, have a dreadful problem with mess!

26 Oct, 2014


How could you not resist such a handsome fellow;0)

26 Oct, 2014


He is very nice and friendly too, lucky you.

26 Oct, 2014


Oh yes Siris he thinks its his second home, he must be let out at 8.30 in a morning as you can set your watch by him trotting down the drive lol,OH made the mistake of feeding him so that's it he wants breakfast dinner and tea and waits outside the door for all three,trouble is think I'm feeding all the cats in the neighbourhood and a hedgehog lol, we have 4 or 5 regular cat visitors but must say they never make a mess in our garden,well except last year when one did his business in the middle of every clump of bronze grass!!!,
Mind you there isn't much bare earth for them to scratch about in lol.
He is very cute Carole and Dawn ,bit off a fighter though and if he sees another cat in the garden he chases it off !!

27 Oct, 2014


Kathy, I reckon he is a model .... he looks so much like the one on the card I sent you! Gorgeous markings. :o)

27 Oct, 2014


Butter, or should it be mice would'nt melt in his mouth!

27 Oct, 2014


Lol that's it Shirley!!, he's obviously had to change location fed up of the fame and being recognised lol ;-).
Funny you should say that SIris I usually have problems with mice chewing plants in that greenhouse in the winter,maybe they'll stay away now ;-)

28 Oct, 2014


Ha ha Kathy! I must tell you that yesterday at Mums a skinny black cat, think it's a stray, came down to her Summerhouse where we having a snack, so I gave it some of my ham sandwich. It gobbled it up, then promptly went to Mums greenhouse and used her vacant tomato plot for a loo! Cheek of it ... lol!

28 Oct, 2014


Lol the cheeky thing!!! that's all thanks you get for feeding him.
The models been helping me today he got in my barrow of things I've been cutting back and started playing lol.

28 Oct, 2014


Hmm, more of a hindrance than a help!

29 Oct, 2014


Such a cute smile.......that's the problem it does not take long for them to get what they want..:-!

29 Oct, 2014


He was full of mischief yesterday, found him under the swing seat playing with a butterfly he'd caught!!.
We've been for a lovely long walk this morning but I see he's waiting in the greenhouse now for me to go outside :-)
That's so true Dd our daughter read a quote to me the other day "Dogs have owners cats have servants", at the time Symba was sat on the draining board demanding the tap be turned on lol.

29 Oct, 2014


We have had a neighbors cat almost living in our garden for the last year even coming into the house when it wanted to never any problems until one day this summer I was walking through the garden it did its usual thing of walking along beside me when it suddenly shot up my right side sinking its teeth into the top of my arm OH heard me scream and came to my rescue it had taken lumps out I had to go to the Doctors for treatment ,we still don't know why it behaved like that as it had always been so friendly I'm scared when I see it now ,it was a strange thing to happen ..your little visitor looks very sweet Kathy ...

30 Oct, 2014


Oh my goodness Amy that must have been so frightening, hope your arms OK now ooouch.
We had a ferrel cat a few years ago, it came to be fed every morning it became quite tame after a while, with me anyway even let me stroke it, Rob fed it one day tried to stroke it and it bit him!!! Not as bad as yours but it made me very wary after that.

30 Oct, 2014


Cats can be very unpredictable, our middle daughters cat was, one minute she was purring the next hissing and sinking her teeth in to your hand, I kept well away from her, we had several cats, mostly pedigree over the years and never had any trouble with any of them.....strange isnt it?
Your daughter could have the same book as me, because that quote is in there, a lovely book all about cats and their habits....
Amy, what an awful thing to happen, must have scared the life out of you.

30 Oct, 2014


OH rang the Doctor who advised me to run water into the bites for at least 10 mins to flush out germs and then to go straight in to have penicillin, we've seen this cat eating rabbits and catching squirrels so didn't know what infections it might pass on ., it turned out I was allergic to the penicillin my tough swelled up with blisters I couldn't eat for about a week .. it still comes into the garden and rolls over in front of me to fuss it but I'm to scared of it and have been in the habit of carrying a cane to protect myself ,its shame because it is a lovely cat ...I still have the scars , last winter it even came in to sit beside out fire , not any more !!

30 Oct, 2014


We've only ever had the one cat, he's never been nasty but you never wander around with bare feet !! Lol, he's very very vocal especially at 5 in the morning, thinks everyone should be up because he is groan.
Oh dear Amy what an awful experience , I'm allergic to penicillin to in fact anything with a cillin in it it seems , but not such a severe reaction as you.

31 Oct, 2014


I didn't know I was allergic until then Kathy ,we only ever had one cat it use to creep into our room in the early hours and lie on the top of the duvet between us purring in our ears and touching our hair we had to bury our heads to get a little longer lie in Lol ...

31 Oct, 2014


Oh my goodness Amy what a nightmare for you.....

31 Oct, 2014


It was nasty Angela ,I don't feel safe in my own garden when I see the cat and it come in daily !

1 Nov, 2014


Lol Symbas just the same Amy first cold night last night and there he was trying to get in bed, I say trying but he usually wins lol, first it's meowing loudly in my ear then tapping on the head then nose under the covers if that doesn't work the odd claw comes out that's the point I give in lol,he never pesters Rob though.
How awful for you with the cat, not much you can do to stop it wandering into your garden either is there :-(

6 Nov, 2014


Amy try the glass of water trick when you see the cat. It works for us with cats that venture in. We have a cat of our own and these cats take exception to her, but they don't hang about. We only have to tap the window and they scoot off. We must have a perculiar cat as she always comes in to use her tray then goes off out again, although she has a nose for the temperature and if it's cold she won't venture out at all!
Funny creatures...cats..they always chose the person that they want to be with.

11 Nov, 2014

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