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greenhouse arbour

greenhouse arbour

Once I’d reorganised the greenhouse, I had the 4-tier mini-greenhouse going spare, so I thought I’d have a go at turning it into a mini-arbour, as I’d long thought of. However, it didn’t want to come apart – the plastic bridge on the back broke as I tried to get the metal uprights out. So I jammed the rest of it back together and found the old cover; bit torn, but will do to keep firewood dry.

I got out the other mini-greenhouse, which looked almost new (by comparison, anyway). Rather than fit all the short uprights together I decided to see if the longer cross-pieces would work - for height, knew they’d fit the sockets.

Hard to believe that both mini-greenhouses are the same age; they’d both been up at my old place, long enough for one cover to get brittle and tear. But that had been in relatively sheltered location; the one that’s been up a whole year here has had to bear the brunt of wind and rain like never before.

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Fran, would it be possible to get some willow whips and make a living arbour for your secluded spot? It would be much prettier and a lot stronger too! Oh, and I spotted your blue solar fountain in your blog. That would be lovely beside a willow arbour! :) I'm thinking of putting one in a secluded corner here myself.

17 Nov, 2014


I've looked at them, Karen, especially after reading on GoY and elsewhere about willow domes! I'm not sure, it's all totally new to me; living willow doesn't need soaking for days to get it pliable enough to bend, but would it provide cover all year round? being living, I assume that it'd be bare twigs in winter.

The current "furniture" isn't exactly a joy to behold, indeed. But I'm still working out what to do where, don't want to do anything now that I'd need to undo later, and a living willow stucture is hardly portable!

I also looked a non-living willow, to weave a permanent cover, but you have to buy the "bath" to soak them on as well, and I'm not sure I'd have the strength to bend them in as tight an arc as I'd want, or have room for - or be able to bang in the stakes enough to hold that arc!

17 Nov, 2014

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