The tiny white cedar is growing fast
By Lori

4 Dec, 2014
a bit of judicious pruning and it's filling up nicely.
Comments on this photo
Thanks Terra... farther south, along the Shale (Highway 7 and the 401) these trees grow beside the winter salted highways, ripped by prevailing winds and coated with salt drift. They are quite wild looking. This little specimen was a gift from my cousin, so it's getting some special care. With the trimming, it is developing a lovely spherical shape. The ones beside the highways are wild and craggy looking. Have received two more and planted them near the stonework by the stream...will be interesting to see how they develop as they are not as compact as this one.
4 Dec, 2014
Congratulations on giving this one such a suitable 'haircut' ... good luck with the other two trees.
4 Dec, 2014
It looks a good healthy specimen, and as Tt says it is a lovely shape. i like cedars ever since i attempted to plant my little himalayan cedar "xmas tree" in our previous garden, it struggled but came good in the end.
4 Dec, 2014
cedar/juniper are cast iron hardy. I love the shape of the little spruce (in the photo with the large red cedar) it's beside the black walnut. Whoever planted them knew nothing about the effects of juglone on surrounding vegetation. not many perennials or shrubs will live happily so close to the walnut. The walnuts make such a mess in the fall and the nuts are very difficult to extract from the shells, while the dye from the shell coverings stains anything it touches permanently. Ergo... it's gotta go. Making decisions about trees is hard for me...they take so long to grow that they are never owned by one person..they are a legacy. I would not like to spoil the future of one tree over another, but this one has really ticked me off!
4 Dec, 2014
Has the chestnut blight not yet arrived in Canada?
When i planted my hedge in previous garden i took all chestnuts out and planted them singly or in small groups round the garden, as small as they were you cld already see the stunted growth of their neighbours, you live and learn! They are notoriously difficult to transplant but i think they were small enough and most survived. It was interesting to see how fast they romped away having space to themselves.
.i just edited this comment as i realized it wasnt chestnuts but my walnuts i was thinking about lol, they have the same effect.
5 Dec, 2014
not sure if it's suffering from a blight or if it was the very cold spring. We had 5 straight days of minus 5 to minus 10 degrees at the time the buds were setting... ruined the apple crop too. To help keep the juglone from accumulating in the soil I make sure to rake all the leaves and gather all the nuts and husks and compost them separately. If you want to kill weeds just gather the leaves and make a solid mat of them... leave them over winter and I guarantee nothing will grow in the spot.
(I knew what your reference was... not hard to do...I think I did the same thing on a picture you posted. I confused the fuschia with a hydrangea!... but what's worse, I don't think I corrected myself.) :-(
6 Dec, 2014
looks like your Christmas tree is already decorted, lovely
8 Dec, 2014
I'm so happy it's decided to grow and fill out. It was only about 4 inches tall when I planted a couple of autumns ago. I agree Fran, nature's decoration is so pretty. I hope we get more snow to protect it from the worst cold of our winter.
8 Dec, 2014
fingers crossed it continues to "live long and prosper"; now it's bigger it can take more extreme weather, but still not too extreme, i hope.
lol people spend £££ or $$$ on decorating trees when nature does it better for free!
9 Dec, 2014
I found this on Yahoo...I have always been confused by the many different trees commonly referred to as Cedars.....
"Cedars (Cedrus) are native to the Middle east. The common name Cedar is applied (incorrectly, botanically speaking) to Several members of the Genus Thuja, Chamaecyparis, and to some members of the Juniper genus (Juniperus) including the Western Red Cedar, Yellow Cedar, Northern White Cedar and Incense Cedar (Libocedrus).
When small they can be very similar with the flat scale-like leaves. Juniper is normally a courser leave and can be painful to work with without gloves.
The cedar (Thuja and others) is ultimately a very large tree, Juniper is usually no more than 40' the record is near 100' which is still small for a Cedar (Thuja and others).
Cedars (Thuja and others) have two distinct flowers, male pollen producers and female ovum producers. Junipers normally have a single flower with both sexes, but some varieties may also have single-sex flowers.
Cedars (Thuja and others) love cooler moist soils, junipers can be a semi-arid plant.
Cedar (Thuja and others) cones are woody, juniper's are referred to as a Berry with a red, blue, or green fleshy "bell".
All in all, this is a good example why common names can cause confusion and why scientists, botanists, and others concerned about accurately defining a plant or animal use the scientific name.
The true, mid-eastern cedar is a member of the Pinaceae (Pine) family and has linear needles and upright cones."
Attributed to Scott.
I went looking for info because I had received a gift of a "white cedar" which, to me, looked more like an upright juniper... or was it a chamaecyparis? This little answer to my question helped me understand what it is I have. It is commonly called a Northern White Cedar. Botanically, it's name is Juniperus...something or other. still looking for a proper full name.
15 Dec, 2014
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The tree is a nice shape :o)
4 Dec, 2014