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sunset on the moors


By Resi

sunset on the moors

The end of a lovely xmas walk on the moors, apart from 2 crows the only birds in great numbers were grouse.
This was just before 3pm, a short day but it was a lovely one, very bright and sunny. Snow tomorrow??

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Stunning view :o)

26 Dec, 2014


looks glorious! do the grouse do their wounded act...dragging a wing and leading you away from their nest?
We have had some of the warmest temps over Christmas in years. We knew it was going to be an "El Nino" year... in Ottawa is rained all Christmas day and there was heavy fog! The have warned us that all the warmth will come to an end next week... back down into the minus 20 somethings...after we've lost all our insulating snow. My poor perennials.
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas day and may the New Year bring the best of times to your whole family.

26 Dec, 2014


We tend to stay off themoors when the birds are nesting and if we do the dog is on a lead so she cannt disturb them, although i have trained her to leave any fowl well alone. Thanks for your xmas wishes lori, andbest wishes to you all for 2015.

27 Dec, 2014


Your mention of grouse made me think of the grouse (we call them partridges) near my home in Muskoka. The male drums on a log with his wings making a deep booming sound that carries for miles, to call the ladies to his territory, and if you are walking too near their nests they feign injury to draw you away from it. There's a tern-like bird here called the Kildeer...(it's call sounds like it's name)they nest on the ground and do the same as the grouse if another animal comes close. Wiley critters, aye?
It's good that you take care to control your dog, I imagine they could do some serious damage if they were let go. I was awakened in the night (last week sometime) by dogs barking! We rarely see dogs here and today I went to look at the deer tracks..only to see dog tracks among them! Wouldn't want to be the owner of the dogs if the game wardens catch them running deer.

28 Dec, 2014


No as far as i know the grouse and partridges on the moor dont do their wounded act, i know waders do it.

29 Dec, 2014


It is so much fun to see these beautiful shots of places I have never been. It's spectacular.

19 Feb, 2015


The n.yorks moors are stunning, we are so lucky to live here.

21 Feb, 2015

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