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In a twist


By Gee19

In a twist

A regular visitor to the garden and he has dug about in some of the pots but he is very entertaining :)

Comments on this photo


Fabulous shot Gee! I know they can be annoying but what a treat to see......I'd love one in my garden....well for a short time!

13 Jan, 2016


A wrap around feast :o) my grey visitor chewed through the wires - all the better to gobble the nuts before the birds eat them all !!

13 Jan, 2016


Lovely that you have a winter visitor and such a character. We had a squirrel a few years ago and he made holes everywhere to bury the peanuts, but fascinating to watch.

14 Jan, 2016


Agree with, Janey. Wouldn't mind if it was a Red.

14 Jan, 2016


Brilliant capture Gee...I love it.

14 Jan, 2016


Thank you, I do enjoy the squirrel visits although I know they can be a nuisance. I've had to replant some of my bulbs but at least they haven't taken them completely as they did one year :)

14 Jan, 2016


We have have regular squirrel visitors Gee. Ours eat upside down on the sunflower seed feeders. Nibbles the ports if he gets annoyed. I have 2 with metal ports. He chitters and shakes his tail at the magpies. One bulb dug up so far, and pushed back in. I place obstructions on top of the pots until they get their roots down. They bury hazlenuts all over the garden too and scatter ones they feed off all over the top patio.They also return at intervals and dig up their caches. Clean them up to re-mark them and bury them again! Crafty little beasts. OH is pleased with himself, as he has downloaded windows 10. A bit more clear headed, since the pain killers have lessened.

15 Jan, 2016


Glad to hear OH is getting on OK. I had and still have problems with windows 10, not at all reliable. One minute the font size is huge and then it suddenly reduces to miniature.

I think Amy may remember when the squirrels dug up all my newly planted tete-a-tete bulbs. I didn't realise until none appeared in my garden but a lovely little group grew just outside my back fence near the pond. They are still there and kind Amy sent me some replacements which I protected and look forward to each year :)

15 Jan, 2016


Tete a Tete are lovely dafs Gee. Perhaps a little deeper and put a tile or similar over till they get roots down. They dug up my yellow parrot tulips last year and I planted them back later with a bucket over them to protect. They came up and bloomed really well. They really are scalliwags! So far OH seems pleased with 10 so far, but has said the text is rather small on ancestry. He may be able to alter it but let's hope it is stable. He relies on it a lot for keeping amused and preserving remaining skills.

15 Jan, 2016

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