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Crocuses in the front garden

Crocuses in the front garden

I am going to add some snowdrops from the back garden. They all die down pretty much before I need to mow regularly. (It's mostly moss now anyway!)

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looks like my front garden grass, nearly all moss in that too lol :O) at least it is green eh!! and all my crocus in the grass are dark and light purple with the odd white one, not many yellow ones though.

18 Mar, 2016


I don't grow yellow ones - the birds always go for them!

18 Mar, 2016


Join the club, our lawn is full of moss, but I wish it had crocuses in it like yours!

31 Mar, 2016


Oh yes, my moss has some lawn in it! But the crocuses spread each year, and I love them. I dream of refurbishing the lawn, but whether I ever will...

31 Mar, 2016


It's the squirrels for me, maybe the birds too. I cannot get a patch to stay! I have tried everything but cages. I mean cages for the bulbs. That seems extreme. So this year, i am giving the seeds of the flowers that I cannot find in the nursery. Bought a pack of Nasturtiums, red special, 5 dollars, and two have come up. That is a lot for two seeds.

2 Apr, 2016


Mmmmm.... But if those two thrive, they may self-seed! My biggest pests are slugs and snails, but the balance in the garden is pretty good now (I have a hedgehog, and frogs) so the problem isn't as bad as it used to be. Mind you, I have learned what I cannot grow - hostas, except in pots, lupins, hollyhocks, delphiniums - all things I planted enthusiastically when I started gardening. But we can't have everything, and I'm pretty happy with what I can grow.

2 Apr, 2016


That is a good hobbitic idea! :-)

18 Apr, 2016


I like that! ?

18 Apr, 2016

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