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Hypericum (Hypericum)

This plant is invasive in our garden . It is in full bloom now ...everywhere. The flower is pretty and apparently has a homeopathic remedy which alters brain chemistry and improves mood. I have so much of it I could start a business :-)

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It reminds me of St. John's Wort. I wonder if it's related.

14 Jun, 2016


It's still a lovely plant,Klahanie..although my neighbour has this growing between our houses,so I have to keep trimming it back on my side,as the flowers are the devil for staining our path when they fall,and it rains ! His side is side stays just green these days :o)

Paul,It is also known as St John's wort...

14 Jun, 2016


Thanks Sandra: I know it's used extensively to treat depression, anxiety & ADHD. I just think it's a nice plant.

14 Jun, 2016


It is a lovely plant the right place.:o) and yes,it is a very good natural antidepressant,I believe...I used to have a smaller variety of Hypericum,called "Elstead" ,where the berries went through various colour changes to almost black,but it suffered badly from rust,so it had to go..such a shame...

14 Jun, 2016


Thank you Bathgate and Bloomer.

15 Jun, 2016


I have this too and it self seeds here , I like it too, this year I've spotted a seedling with a variegated leaf and was going to try and dig it up and grow it on seevif it keeps the variegation typically its roots are under a wall mmmmm.

15 Jun, 2016


I haven't seen the variegated variety Simbad. Interesting.

15 Jun, 2016


I've never seen any look so good in California. LOL! I don't even see them here in San Diego.

20 Jun, 2016


Come to see mine....I have thousands.

20 Jun, 2016


Wow! Thousands? That's great! It's too dry and hot here for them.

21 Jun, 2016


I think they like it dry Delonix1. They grow in very dry shady Douglas fir forest. We usually do not have any rain in summer. I snapped a picture for you from our deck.

21 Jun, 2016


I'll check it out. :>)

26 Jun, 2016

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