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Still finding some produce in the garden...

Still finding some produce in the garden... (Rubus fruticosus (Blackberry))

Potatoes have grown so big this year. The runner beans are producing a few every day, with lots in the freezer for later. The apple, rhubarb and thornless blackberries are for a crumble. They have all done really well this year after a very slow start.

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Lovely grub!!

11 Sep, 2016


Nothing like home grown ☺

11 Sep, 2016


Lovely growing your own HB. The Rhubarb has done well this year. Think we have one more pick from ours. Our bean poles were blown over in the wind so they are being supported by our washing line.......

14 Sep, 2016


I hope the washing line holds good HB otherwise it will be a.... has bean.... and we shall have to buy another one, washing line that is. LOL.

14 Sep, 2016

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