Pheasant visiting.
By Homebird

28 Oct, 2016
He didn't stay very long because a couple of Magpies were making him wary.
Comments on this photo
He matches your Autumn coloured garden, magnificent.
28 Oct, 2016
I love to hear them and they are so pretty. Yesterday I took Willow through the fields and she was in and out of the burn and flushed a grey heron out. Its funny, she never flinches at big birds when they flutter out in front of her. Its me that gets a fright...But you should see her jump when my toast pops up! Lol!
28 Oct, 2016
A rare treat to get one in our garden!!.... enjoy!!
31 Oct, 2016
Lovely capture there HB. Herons seem to be everywhere at the moment don't they. The Pheasant looks in good colour.
3 Nov, 2016
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He knows where he is welcome he s lovely
28 Oct, 2016