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Phalaenopsis Orchid

Phalaenopsis Orchid

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It is lovely ,difficult to believe how rare and expensive these were 30 years ago and of course there was nothing like the range of colours or sizes we are offered now .

22 Dec, 2016


Lovely , I have or should I say had one with lots of buds almost in flower when a certain person broke it off , I'm not very happy with him :o(

22 Dec, 2016


Bjs, I can pick one up for a song at the local supermarkets. Still those are as nice as the more pricey ones at the specialty shops. It's hard to believe they were once rare. I guess the so called "good ole days" weren't all that good.

Sorry to hear that Amy. I hope it was an accident that the flowers were broken off.

22 Dec, 2016


Yes it was Paul I asked OH to get me a cane to clip the stem to he decided to do it for me but bent it back too much :o(

22 Dec, 2016


wonderful :-)

29 Dec, 2016


Thank you Hombird & Junna. Happy New Year!

29 Dec, 2016


happy New Year too :-) X

1 Jan, 2017


I love it! Mine hasn't flowered yet. It's very common here in San Diego. I usually put mine outside until it flowers.

4 Jan, 2017


Thanks Junna

All of mine are either just coming into flower now or sending up flower spikes. I'll have blooms at least through April.

4 Jan, 2017


Yes, they flower for a very long time.

4 Jan, 2017

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