Black Capped Chickadee
By Bathgate

6 Jan, 2017
The black-capped chickadee is a small, nonmigratory, North American songbird that lives in deciduous and mixed forests. It is a passerine bird in the tit family Paridae.
Comments on this photo
I thought your first pic, looked like a tit family member.
7 Jan, 2017
Yes, they are related.They are feisty little guys, usually the first ones to arrive at the feeder. They'll also eat from your hand.
7 Jan, 2017
Yes! If he had a white stripe down his head, he would be a coal tit!
7 Jan, 2017
He's so cute, what ever he is...
8 Jan, 2017
Don't think you would get any UK Tits to eat from the hand, too nervy.
10 Jan, 2017
How cute! I'm surprised it doesn't freeze to death.
11 Jan, 2017
I've always wondered about that too and we've been getting Arctic Freezes.
11 Jan, 2017
I've heard and seen on the news. I have friends in New England that have been saying the last few days have been extremely cold.
11 Jan, 2017
yep, definitely hot chocolate weather. lol
11 Jan, 2017
I hear it's warmed up a little there.
12 Jan, 2017
We had a warm spike that lasted a few hours, then dropped like a rock. Good times!
12 Jan, 2017
Yes, I see it's cold again. I guess that's winter, right?
It's been cool and rainy here. Today is going to nice and dry for the next 5 days. We are getting some good rains for the first time in years. This is such good's better than 75 to 85 degrees and extremely dry!
14 Jan, 2017
That's good news! I'm happy for you. I've heard about the epic snow fall in the Sierra Nevada Mountains which I understand supplies much of your water in Summer.
14 Jan, 2017
It's nice today; however, by Thursday we're expecting another "Atmospheric River" to hit the West Coast. We may get up to 3" of rain by next Tuesday (here in San Diego) and the foothills and mountains are forecasted to receive 8 - 12 inches. That's a tremendous amount of rain for us. It's very good for the drought and the almost empty reservoirs here in Southern California.
16 Jan, 2017
It's so nice to hear good news for a change.
16 Jan, 2017
Yes, it's very good news for the hundreds of millions of dying trees in California. :>))
Now, it's been revised upward of 3 to 5 inches of rainfall. That's almost unheard of here in San Diego. If we receive 5" of rainfall that would be more than half our normal yearly rainfall in 6 days. This should make a huge dent in the horrible drought. Yay!
17 Jan, 2017
That's good news for everybody. California feeds the world. Many new trees should start to sprout.
17 Jan, 2017
It's very good news for the drought. The snow pack is getting much higher as I write this comment. Several more feet of snow is forecasted for the Sierra Mountains through Tuesday.
Yes, our multi-billion dollar agriculture should be somewhat back to normal as we receive more rain. It's been suffering so badly in recent drought years.
19 Jan, 2017
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Not unlike our Coal Tit.
7 Jan, 2017